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Everything posted by jonathan73

  1. Sorry, I forgot that. None. Clean licence.
  2. Guys, akin to sl114's recent thread but I don't think I'm getting a good insurance deal and wanted to find out what others are paying: I'm 34. Full No Claims Bonus. Reside in NG22. Do not garage overnight, though the car is parked off road on my drive. My ride is a 2005 GT4 (Kuro) 350z. I intend doing 10-12,000 miles/yr. Bought in Nov 06 for £21,995. Not modified. I'm paying £850 or thereabouts; about £76/month. Anyone got better / worse than this with similar details?
  3. After 15 pages we get that???? OMG Nice though uh? Bet you'll be stroking the Yellow beast until Mrs Sarnie gets home:blush:
  4. nice tease Sarnie....
  5. Would you mind me asking if you got a good deal Pingu? Roughly how much for all that lot?
  6. Who in the world has cassettes in 2007? Why is there a cassette deck in this car and yet no mp3 capability? Orange - the new UY? Now that's fighting talk, eh Sarnie
  7. What's yer favourite number Sarnie? I reckon if it's more than 11 we can get the page count on this thread to meet your magic number, it may bring you luck..... And perhaps those damn wheels.
  8. Hmmmm I've got a narrow (about 1 inch) plastic strip that runs the width of my front bumper. It this what you mean? It sits at the bottom of the bumper and I figured it was there to protect the bumper - i.e it gets scraped on speed bumps instead of the bumper? Sounds better as part of an Aero Kit though, eh?
  9. I'm tempted... I fancy replacing my (chipped) standard lip.
  10. Hey Snotz How come a newbie gets spotted so soon. I've not been spotted at all and I'm forever riding about Welcome to the forum, add yourself to the Member Map and hopefully we'll see you at a local meet sometime soon.
  11. Got 9 How the **** am I supposed to know how many Scots there are! I did know a Cop can't drag my ass to the police station without due cause though
  12. Chesterfield - I agree. If everyone puts their marker on the map it will be easy for everyone to see who else is in their REGION (NW, Mids, SE, SW etc). Then members will be able to narrow that region down into more LOCAL areas similar to the process You, Lomoto and I did when we organised our little get together. It all starts with members pin-poining themselves on the map. Is there a way that the Map being updated can be seen in much the same way that a topic being updated is seen? Then members can click on it to see if the last update was anywhere near them? Once the map is full of pin-points the local meets will be easy for members to organise local meets between themselves (with separate threads being started for their LOCAL area).
  13. I think my region is 350z Central ! Today I saw a silver coupe but we passed each other as a bit of a blur - I was in a hurry doing 90 ish (we were of course on our private road, not sure how he got access to it though ) and he was lining up to pass a truck. Anyway, I gave him a flash (stop it Sarnie) and a wave..... And guess what.... I GOT A RETURN WAVE Just gotta track that blue roadster and sunset coupe now...
  14. Hey guys, have you seen the Members Map? http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/membermap.php Get yourselves pin-pointed on there and let's stimulate local meetings among each other. Wouldn't it be great if, local groups got together once a month on a regular day - something like every first Tuesday at a convenient pub? Chesterfield, Lomoto and I had a little local meet, getting together last Saturday evening. We thoroughly enjoyed it Who's in your local area? Dont know? Check on the Members Map.... Maybe the Administrators could help stimulate interest too by mailing members in 'regions'??? [/b]
  15. Saw the Azure roadster in edwinstowe the other morning but both apparently go thru Ollerton each morning around 9am.... LOCAL 350Zs -
  16. Yeah that's usual. Well, I hope so b'cos mine don't illuminate either
  17. You got the best colour Hoges Welcome to the "club". I'm liking the custom grill - v. much Losing the '89 911 must have hurt, I understood '89 to be widely recognised as one of the best years, but you've joined a great club and this forum should provide you with loads of info. Enjoy the Z!
  18. I want one of those 07 bonnets. I love 'em Gotta be somewhere I can get one to fit my 05.... Add me to the "Pi$$ed off if GT4 wheels become standard" List.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REAL-Performance- ... dZViewItem
  20. Guys It looks like we have some interest as long as the day / time is agreeable. So far, those interested: Beavis Sarnie Lomoto Chesterfield Ade McB Kev946 Does Friday night count as a weekend for you guys? The problem being that weekends are of course the kart place's busiest times and not really available for us However, a development has happened....... My brother & I are buying 6 karts and hope to create a mini series for owners and guests :thumb: We'd have use of the track during quiet times only though. More info will come once we've sorted out that plan. I'll still try to put together this Endurance Evening though b'cos there's been interest from my Bro's Westfield Club. (One guy there has a Westfield that does 0-60 in 2.9 secs )
  21. Great photo display Chris! A large gallery of everyone's photos in the Gallery section would be ideal too.... Or is it already there ? One thing comes thru LOUD AND CLEAR though from all the photos..... IT WAS A FANTASTIC WEEKEND Let's do more this summer
  22. Mike - you're a superstar! How simple. THANKS ALOT.
  23. Dixie is the only way to go Yeeeeehhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww Pity I can't post the sound file here
  24. pm'd with 2 bucket info and a whole boring bit about washing that I thought was too anal for here SUMMARY THOUGH: I'm learning a lot recently. www.detailingworld.co.uk is a forum for car cleaning guys, and boy these guys like to keep their cars clean. Anyway, you'll learn a lot on there but you'll also get confused so I'll give you the basics that I've been taught and now practice so as to minimise (eliminate) the chance of creating swirls and marks on the black. 2 bucket wash is this: 1 bucket for your shampoo, 1 for cleaning your mitt between uses (NEVER put your mitt into your shampoo bucket until you've rinsed it in the 2nd bucket) I use a 3rd bucket for the wheels. I also use a separate mitt for the wheels.
  25. How the heck do you programme in the phone numbers? I'm having to go thru the following steps to dial someone at the moment: 1. Press button on steering wheel 2. Say "Dial Number" (phone girl asks: the number please) 3. 01623 (phone girls repeats: zero one six two three) 4. 411200 (phone girl repeats) 5. Dial (phone girl: the number is dialed) I'd love to just press the button and say "Dial Home".... HOW DO I DO THAT?
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