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Everything posted by jonathan73

  1. Chesterfield knows my thoughts on this too - and I'm in. If financial donations are tricky to handle accounting wise, would it be better if members were to source and purchase a bunch of "Saleable Items" such as logo'd caps, T-Shirts, Z Keyrings (I've got samples coming of these to show you Chris) and then donate these to the club to then sell. Of course, the design of said items ought to be agreed upon by the Admins.... A more tricky solution could be to add a 'store' or 'auction site' to the forum where members place their gear for sale and the club takes a %age of the sales price and perhaps an item insertion fee; much like Ebay..? That way everyone's a winner. I think thought that the overiding message is that 350z-uk.com has such goodwill among its members that they want to contribute unconditionally.
  2. You guys obviously don't drink or eat as much as I do We had 20 guests come stay with us for the week and I signed the check for our first evening meal (we got together the first night) and it was over $11,000..... Hence I only do All Inclusives now.
  3. Team Custard - I like that. I'd like to say "I doubt that" Beavis but will reserve judgement until afterwards in the pub I've only got one endurance race victory under my belt with a couple 2nd and 3rd places and I understand you're a bit of a racer... :
  4. All Inclusive for 10 days for about £1000. Bl00dy Hell. If anyone can recommend a place for that you'll see me on the lounger next to you When you want a real nice place, try The Windjammer Landing in St Lucia. www.windjammer-landing.com. I got married there last year when we still lived in So Cal so it was easy(ish) for UK & US friends to go. I think it cost our UK guests about £1800 each for a week All Inclusive (which is the ONLY way to holiday in my opinion).
  5. EXCELLENT. Team Beavsterfield is back in action. :
  6. Kart Team - Chris ask your Bro but let me know asap as I'll try to find a 3rd for you. Wheels - if Mrs Chesterfield has curbed the alloy slightly then my bodywork guy can help. He's done mine before and he's repainted them a couple of times when the usual corrosion has come thru. He's on vacation at the moment but back in a couple of weeks. Steve Smalley is his name, 07971 690 944 is his number. He'll need your wheel(s) for the day and it'll be about £30 per wheel tops.
  7. http://www.gumball3000.com/rally/enter http://www.cannonballruneurope.co.uk/uk/index.htm This year's Gumball attracted a few celebs, including of course the car-mad Jamiroqui. The event got slated because of the hectic schedule which lead to drivers having little sleep and loads of driving to do. Consequently there were some crashes and deaths. Unfortunately an Eastern European elderly couple got killed by a w4nker in a GT3.
  8. You lucked out with that plate being on it already Nice ride. Pity you got stuck with the s.l.o.w custard though
  9. Nah, mine isn't on. It made it to about 3 inches away from the screen and fell into bits, folded on itself and basically looked w4nk. So I binned it.
  10. Best send him 2 Val - those nasty little buggas never go on right first time
  11. Sarnie, what's with the discount? I paid £75 only 3 weeks ago Davidw - nah, the site is free that's why it's the best in the business. And perhaps why you have to put it with jokers like this
  12. It's a brand new 07 350z yet somehow it looks like a 5yr old import I'm a big fan of dark wheels but this just doesn't float my boat. I agree that the stripes just don't do it justice either. Sorry to the owner. I hope he doesn't get too disappointed with the feedback on here. I trust it looks better in the flesh - you'll have to let us know Hotlehero
  13. I like 'em. The blue nuts are a good touch too. I wonder what they'd be like blue where the black is? Photoshop may have the answer
  14. If you see a UT GT4 in Chesterfield area, for God's sake wave nicely at it b'cos the driver is a Road Rage Nutter and loves a bit of Personally whenever he's in the same pub as me I buy every drink he wants!
  15. Here's the Paint Thickness that Craig Mudd (muddydetail.co.uk) carried out on my GT4 before his awesome Detail... You may not see the numbers clearly but the highest is 184 (presumably a resprayed door) and the lowest 79 on the edge of the bonnet. Averages: Bonnet - 96.5 Driver's Front Wing - 104 Driver's Door - 163 Driver's Rear Wing - 119 Pass Front Wing - 151.4 Pass Door - 119 Pass Rear Wing - 112.5 Boot - 136.4 Not sure what this means but to me it means a proper Paint Correction Detail cannot be carried out too often if it removes 3-5 microns each time.
  16. I ain't playing that with yer
  17. If wasn't giving you the finger it would be fair to assume he was admiring the Monaro but he clearly wasn't. What a ****. It's so difficult to not stoop to their level but it's times like these that being in a big **** off truck would be great fun! Nudge his back end and see if he can control a 60mph fish tail You did well to leave the prick behind though. He might have been a 21 stone buffoon
  18. Zedrush - the easiest Poker to learn is Texas Hold 'em. It's great to watch on TV too (seriously); Bravo have a few Poker shows which I tend to watch mainly (Superstar Poker, World Series, Cash Poker). Big Blind and Small Blind refer to the amount of money the players to the LEFT of the dealer have to pay before getting dealt their cards. However, in friendly games at home, most people I know Ante Up £1 instead of BB and SB. Then, each player is dealt 2 cards. And a round of betting ensues. Either Bet, Check (don't bet) or Fold. After 'burning' a card, the dealer lays out 3 communal cards. And another round of bets ensue. Then another 'burn' and the Turn card (communal) comes. Then some more betting. Then another 'burn' and The River card (communal) comes. Then some more betting. The guys with the best hand from his 2 plus communal wins. Hand ranks: TJQKA suited is a Royal Flush (1:650,000 chance) 56789 suited is a Straight Flush (consecutive cards of the same suit) 4 of a kind Full house (3 of one card, 2 of another - AAAKK is best) Flush (5 cards of the same suit) Straight (consecutive cards, regardless of suit) 3 of a kind 2 pair 1 pair High Card (Ace high being best) Check our www.pkr.com, download the game and get playing with FREE money!
  19. Three 350s within 30yds of each other! Chesterfield, Myself and a Black Roadster in Ravenshead (nr Newstead Abbey) this evening (Sunday) around 8:45pm Got a
  20. Beavis - FANTASTIC after a looooong search for a poker buddy maybe I've found one! Oh, you gotta love Hold 'Em. I've been playing about 2 yrs firstly friendly games back in So Cal and a couple of decent tables in Vegas but since moving home I've had to play online (www.pkr.com rocks!) as I've not been able to find anyone locally up for a game. It's a game of highs and lows though. On PKR.com I got my $1000 up to $260,000 only for me to chase iot down to ZERO again. After a week off I got another $1000 to $40,000 but it's back down to $18,000 at the moment. I know I'm chasing and I know I shouldn't but b'stads keep catching something on the river that kills me! You seen I'm a rookie but I absolutely LOVE IT.
  21. were you in the Hyatt on Wacker? I love that big bar upstairs - great place for socialising during boring exhibitions Goota love Chicago town!
  22. 80 microns or less? There's not one piece on my Kuro that was that low. Average readings were around the 100 microns. Still pretty thin though, granted. A give filling sealant will make it look nice but will gradually wear away with washes and everyday use. Paint correction is really the only way to go to truly get rid of those damn ( ) swirls
  23. I am a doubtful for sure. I reckon I'm about a 30% chance of showing up. Golf at 6:30am and then Mrs 73's tennis tournament. I'm trying to get out of the latter during my prays for rain Would love to make it, even if its so SL can take some pics om my mota
  24. I can't believe these 'deals' even work. Who the hell would buy a car like this? Who falls for these scams? I gets yer goat don't it
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