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Kevin Huntley

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Everything posted by Kevin Huntley

  1. Got the 5Zigen A-Spec on my car and love it quiet on the motorway with no drone and comes to life when you put your foot down. 5Zigen do the ZZ with stainless tips, the pro Racer with flame burnt Inconel tips and the SP which is their flag ship exhaust. Thanks Kevin
  2. Wow some great pic's what a great turnout for the club! The cars all look pretty clean too, despite the weather!
  3. Had a great day out despite the weather. Would like to say a big thanks to all the Mods for organising the event which is the best I have ever partaken in, from any car club. Some great scenary although I did manage to forget my camera! The carvery was very nice and the pub coped well despite the number of people. Sorry to hear about the accident, the weather was trecherous on the way home and RWD and water are not a good mix! Think name badges or lanards may have helped with the forum names, but other than that I can't think of any improvements for next year! Thanks Kevin
  4. Envy are curently looking at designing a custom Catch Tank for the Zed which will come with all the correct fittings and mounting brackets. The tank will at the front of the engine bay as shown by 3fiddy's picture to give maximum blingage. I would'nt recomend fitting a universal kit as it would be difficult to locate in the engine bay due to the shape and limited space and have the wrong size fittings. Something like the kit ARC produce for the Zed is the best I have currently seen on the market, but like everything ARC produce's its mega bucks!
  5. Congrats guys, looking forward to reading the feature!
  6. Some great entries so far its going to be a tough choice! The standard of cars on the Forum just seams to get better and better!
  7. Don't think I would be picking that up with tissue paper and throwing it outside! My Girlfriend could never live in Oz!
  8. Hi guys, this is my new sign on to avoid any confusion. If I can help anyone just let me know. Many Thanks Kevin
  9. Congrats, always gives you a buzz when you get your pride and joy pictured in a magazine!
  10. Looking forward to seeing the results at the wales run, should be interesting.
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