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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Hi There, This is excellent. It's a bit far away to commit at the moment but all being well should be there!
  2. Never drove the old one so cannot really comment.
  3. Got asked the question "Do you have an installed dash camera in your car" on a recent insurance quote questionnaire. Never seen this before.
  4. Nissan did a clip on part a few years ago which clipped on a treat for pre face lift 350z's. You can still get it in Japan but not here. If you know anyone going to Tokyo in the near future could be worth asking them to get you one.
  5. Looks good! The back seats are for kids only. My mate has one and I pretended to be a kid and get in the back.......massive fail! Love the sound of that engine! Enjoy!
  6. Updated list; From 300zxclub 1. Stephen/Z32bolt 2. Andrew/AndrewG 3. Scott/sdriver73 4. Simon/Mondo 5. Gary/GSC60 6. Simon/Funkysi 7. Richard (and Julia)/RichardSmith 8. Chris/chrisbasildon 9. Joel/Joely 10. Howard/Bigh 11. Rhys (And a friend) 12. Veilside 13. TheRealNips 14. Nickz32 15. Coopd 16. Scoobydoo67 17. ADLphoenix 18. Art123 19. IceWhiteBear 20. Pete Ace 21. Allamo 22. Nick Miami 23. TheRealNips 24. Nemesizx 25. ZEDDash From Zclub 1. Candy Red 2. Huw 3. Russell 4. Ped 5. Ben240z 6. Farmer42 7. Luddy 8. Julian 9. jimyj 10. 8658kv 11. Fairlineguy From 350uk 1. Andyhut 2 Jetpilot 3. Tomb 4. Andy James 5. Buster 7. Bababongles 8. Terry06 9. Edd20022 10. GT4 140/176 11. Foordy 12. Amyzed 13. Panman 14. Humpy 15. Jamez87 16. Stuggerz 17. Dday 18. Dunks 19. Mr shaggy 20. Mikeyazure plus 1. 21. glrnet 22. GizmoGold 23. Flex & Mrs 24. Bearface 25 & 26. ShortPaul with choptop riding shotgun. We will meet you at Beaulieu.
  7. Looks good Steve. Hope to see it in the flesh soon!
  8. 1. Z370Z 2. Andy James 3. Low IQ 4. Harryjax 5. Jord 6. Dally 7. iLott 8. iLott's friend JosH 9. Short Paul 10 tomb 11. choptop (have a pass for an event at Castle Combe so will use this here)
  9. Welcome Don`t forget to come and say hello at the next Breakfast Meet on October 9th
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