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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. I went to Canada last November with similar views. After seeing Vancouver and the drunks that were there constantly badgering you for money, maybe good old blighty does not 'suck' so much after all.
  2. Where is everyone staying? PM me if you could. Will check with her indoors.
  3. I am up for this venue Glen. If we can get enough people together maybe they will do a special price? Are you not up for the Wales meet? It is a bit far from Bristol in one day, especially with work the following day
  4. Dear Glen, Has anything progressed here then?
  5. Are you admiting that you helped to vote these clowns in?? Glen Now I did not say that I voted for them last time..................the implication may have been there, but I can honestly say I did not.
  6. Labour are not going to get my vote next time around!
  7. I am up for this venue Glen. If we can get enough people together maybe they will do a special price?
  8. Thanks for the info both. I learned something new today.
  9. Saw an ad on e-bay selling a set of 17" Rims on a 350z. I contacted the seller and asked him if he was sure they were 17" and not 18" Rims. He said they were 17" as it was on an import. From the photo's they looked OEM Rims and not aftermarket. Is he right? Who knows, is the seller on this forum?
  10. Unfortunately cannot make next Saturday Meet Have a good one. choptop
  11. This is just amazing. Imagine as a Club if we could be involved in a future run...................any takers? Go to: http://www.rickshawrun.travel
  12. Yep got one very similar, Share good taste in watches as well as cars What is the inner 31 segments for on this watch?
  13. See my thread on the Whitehorse meet. Thats the 13th In oxford Glen are you going to go?
  14. Link connects to ebay but not to a specific item.
  15. Bar Food would be good. If you could get a menu that would be good
  16. What is the price of The Bose Soundock in the UK?
  17. Proposed date for this meet: Saturday 13th january 2007? Hows that? Names so far: sl114 choptop Sarnie (aka spamalot) Andy Mugwump (so he can buy Sarnie a pint) JohnK Excellent. We have a date
  18. It would be good if it could happen. Never say never. Has anyone approached the other forum?
  19. Yeah, let me know dates etc Is Sarnie the only person interested then? Is there anyone else out there???? Sarnie, just had a thought. Should we ask Bluelady to come along? choptop the matchmaker!
  20. Good to see you too. Excellent show. Just about to watch your Dvd. Thanks for getting the two of us in. Top man! choptop
  21. Nope, never been. You have email btw! Hi, C U there later. Cheers, choptop.
  22. Seems to be an old link to the last North Wales meet. Fooled me . choptop
  23. Any update from P15 on this? Add me to the list. cheers, choptop
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