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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Better keep that quiet mate Do you think she will notice?
  2. Nice wheels mate. A very classy act. Thanks for your help and advice about z1Auto. So far very impressed. I am just waiting for how much my set up is going to cost me There goes my wife's new kitchen.
  3. The list as of 18.04.2007 choptop Ian Trev-the-Rev Glen MH WoREoD Crasher bluelady
  4. Thanks for these Mark. The carbibles link is very informative. Many thanks.
  5. Used to get loads of waves from fellow Mini Drivers when I had my Coopers. Mini and MG Owners wave a lot. Maybe because they know how much time you need to spend under the hood to keep them on the road! Fellow respect. (I now have my knuckles back!)
  6. Tell us what you have recommended to you and we'll give you are two-penneth. Don't always trust a trader to steer you right on this one...... Thanks for the advice. I want to get this right as I cannot afford to make an expensive mistake.
  7. Offset will depend on width. Status will know. try rick@statusautodesign.com OK, Thanks.
  8. Thanks for everyones comments. I have e-mailed z1Auto but cannot contact stratusautodesign by e-mail. (Their link does not work). Have decided to do for 18" Rims. What offset should I go for?
  9. Spoke to Envy Performance Ltd.They had everything in stock (18") and seemed to know what they were talking about. The price on their website is costed per wheel. Buy a set of 4 and speak to them over the phone and the price dropped. PM me if you can with costs for importing. Would be much appreciated.
  10. Put me down too. Should be able to come. Will confirm nearer to the time.
  11. Didn't manage to get to talk to anyone yesterday about Work Wheels. Would people recommend staying with 18" rims or going to 19" rims? If you go down the 19" route do you have to get your speedo recalibrated? Does it effect the handling, electronics, EBD etc etc? (What are the pro's and cons). Any advice would be gratefully received. Found a UK Distributor of Works Wheels and whilst the cost in not cheap could those of you who have purchsaed from the USA let me know what a set of 4 wheels cost you in total? Please PM me if you could.
  12. What a day! Great to meet everyone and put faces to names. Well done to the organisers. I know we all got split up en-route but there were a lot of us. GlenMH, Mrs GlenMH and myself came back through Wales. Some cracking roads. Hope to see you all soon. Don't forget the Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Meet/Drive in August. Can we beat the 30 Zeds at Lake Bala? PS bluelady nice one for turning up! Thanks for not slapping me
  13. Dear bluelady, The thing is Sarnie is coming and is making the effort. I am coming up all the way from Bristol. The only one on the list not confirmed is, I hate to say Jane, you. Can you in your heart of hearts not come along? Or will it be 3rd time lucky? PS I will be in Chester tonight but with my cousin as it would be rude to stay with her and then go out with the lads.......................why, do the men you know do that sort of thing to you???
  14. Yep, I can heartily recommend Adam at Z1auto! (NY US) Top service, great price..... mine were IN STOCK! and "helping" with shipping..... In fact mine are in flight as we speak! I will have a chat with everyone on Sunday
  15. Not surprised either......even my girlfriend is coming even though i am palming her off on Jacko as my son as bagged my passenger seat. Have you ever met her...............................does she exist or are the rumours true?
  16. Thanks everyone for your input. Kev946. Could you PM me with details of Stratos Auto Design?
  17. See everyone Sunday I knew bluelady wouldn't come!
  18. Lets hope we do not get any road kill this weekend. Some of our members may be looking to do their boot the same!
  19. Has anyone purchased the 'Work' brand of alloy wheels in the UK? If so, could you let me know where you purchased them from. Fell in love with a set that I saw on an American 350Z which is shown on the forum. I am after a set of their Meister S1 3 Piece Wheels. I have downloaded the brochure from the Japnese Website but there is no mention on a UK Distributor. If anyone can help that would be great.
  20. Should be there around 9.30 am. Depends if my cousin decides to cook bacon sandwiches for breakfast
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