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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Take it easy and you should be fine. If you go on really early and there is a lot of dew about take care. You will go off! It is one of those circuits you just have to do. I last did it in 1996..................time to do it again I think.
  2. Welcome Don't forget the Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Drive/Meet on August 18th 2007. Won't take you long to get there from Bournemouth.
  3. choptop

    Lotus Exige

    Exige is a great car, but I prefer to have a back as God intended.....................so I can walk, stand etc. You do not see many Osteopaths drive them.
  4. Have just checked my Japanese Fairlady Z 2005 Catalogue (always one anorak isn't there) and there is no mention of a GT4 being released in Japan (Only Version T, S and ST). Also, as previously noticed, I can confirm there is no cruise control in any of the pictures of the ST spec in the brochure.
  5. As Sarnie says, warranty comes with the car. Should be transfered automatically. Sounds like someone wants to make some dosh out of you.
  6. 5.30 am start for me then. Anyone going up from Bristol? Fancy a mini Zed Convoy?
  7. Go on, you know we are all waiting! Put some tyre wall finish on the last time I washed the car and polished it. Tyre wall finish has now mixed with the brake dust and has gone like bitumen.....................will take me ages to get it off.
  8. That's a f*cking joke, mate!! I wish it was.
  9. Excellent. Glad to see the matter sorted.
  10. Thanks everyone for their comments. Tried engaging them into why they came up with this crap reason but they would not be drawn on it. Have until October to go with them. Changing now would cost me too much. I will not be re-insuring with them again. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:angry::angry::rant: Sorry, had to get it out of my system.
  11. Contacted my Insurance Company yesterday about the new wheels. I was told they would not insure me I am gutted. I expected a rise in premium but to be told they would not continue to insure my car if I had them fitted was a bolt out of the blue. Has anyone else run into a similar problem?
  12. Depending on where it is, and as long as it is a weekend, I am there
  13. Don't leave Beavis. Everyone wants you to stay. I hope you can work things out.
  14. Saw your car too Trev but never met up. Never mind. As you say there is always the Forest of Dean run.
  15. on a 240Z base its one of the best in the country and it sure pulled some people onto the Z stand At a distance you would not have known. I said to Steve who has put that on our stand! He then enlightened me
  16. Yes they were Kev's old ones. I spoke to the owner on the OC stand. I was interested as they are very similar to the ones I am getting.
  17. I didn't know in detail. I just googled it with some various suitable wording until I found a site with explanation! T'Internets a wonderful thing! Well ecky thump!
  18. Fancy picking me up for this then? My son wants to come along on this one. Sorry mate.
  19. choptop


    Gutted Feel for you mate. Hope you get it sorted.
  20. www.350z-uk.com stickers at dawn Have you got yours?
  21. Chill Winston Plenty of time yet. The NW run numbers pretty much doubled in the preceeding 3 to 4 weeks I know...............just like to get things sorted. I have my fingers crossed anyway
  22. Route is pretty much sorted. Now we have a good amount of interest I can look into sorting out Saturday lunch at a pub/hotel. Bristol would be good for an overnight stay on the Friday. I will drop into a couple of reasonably priced hotels and get details. Who would be up for a curry the night before?
  23. I occasionally fill up with the new version of Optimax when the price is good, but usually it is supermarket unleaded.
  24. Names so far: Choptop Ian Trev-the-Rev Glen MH WoREoD Crasher bluelady Morg Chesterfield Billy7766 davestan + 1 Sarnie Jacko (TBC) Sinbad (TBC) beavis (TBC) MAB sgdavies MarkW (TBC) TheMinel(TBC) Oggy Zedrush
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