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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Car parks will be closed, everyone will have their shopping delivered and no-one will drive to work. Garages will go out of business and what if 5 or more cars fill up for petrol at the same time...................................
  2. For anyone sorting out a car meet/drive have a look at this............. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=16378
  3. Another good video of JTS. A glimpse of us all on the parade lap at 6.24 mins into the video
  4. We will be meeting at 9.00 am. Full details will be given out nearer to the time
  5. Have looked at local hotels in North Bristol. The following Premier Travel Inn is not too far from a curry house which I am planning a Friday Night Meal at. Not too expensive either. http://www.premiertravelinn.com/pti/pTi ... NID=BRIEME Happy bookings
  6. I know where to come now if I have any ailments.............................can I have a consultation on the NHS?
  7. A new male pill .......................................Thinking about it maybe not
  8. Hope you had a good one
  9. I am having problems uploading my photo's of Silverstone. Selected 5 photo's to be uploaded. When I thought they were uploaded, I looked at my file but there were no photo's there. Can anyone help?
  10. that was average over some distance that i dont have a clue about, just presed the button and wanted to see what it did. I averaged 29.3 MPG on the way home. 40.2 MPG is amazing
  11. Good video. I am in front of you. You have captured my rear end beautifully!
  12. I will be there early ( around 7.00 am) to avoid any traffic jams. I will see you all at the track
  13. We have some of the Zclub coming along as well..............I think it is a real possibility
  14. This is an old one.............................age has not been kind to either of them!
  15. This is really starting to look good. I wonder how many we can get along? Can we beat 31?
  16. Guys, Please remember that if you are doing track time...... the white letter about JTS states that you must bring a valid motor insurance certificate as well! Not sure why considering its a private track and your insurance means jack sh*t on there.... I would also bring BOTH parts of your driving licence!! (just in case as its not technically valid without both) But better to bring just in case! If you are doing track time, you will probably need a crash helmet as well
  17. I will send Woreod a PM to see if he will post it up on the OC Site.
  18. Names so far: Choptop Ian Trev-the-Rev Glen MH WoREoD Crasher bluelady Morg Chesterfield Billy7766 davestan + 1 Sarnie Jacko (TBC) Sinbad (TBC) beavis (TBC) MAB sgdavies MarkW (TBC) TheMinel(TBC) Oggy Zedrush
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