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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Really need to get the numbers up here. I know the weather is not the best at the moment but come on all, think positive, think sunshine.............................
  2. choptop


    Just tried mine on Max..............fits a treat. Look forward to seeing you at the next meet
  3. Great to meet everyone at the show. I left at 11.30 pm on the Saturday Night as the local hotels had pushed up their prices due to the weather I think. Flooding stopped me getting staright through to Swindon from Oxford but after an hour trying all the side roads finally found a way through. A long journey home. Glad I attended though.
  4. Whilst JAE will be fun for sure, Berlin does have a certain ring to it........have fun
  5. choptop


    Put me down for a black large. Will pick it up at JAE.
  6. See you all there. Is there a party planned for the Saturday Night?
  7. Confirmed so far: choptop Sarnie +1 Trev-the-Rev MAB woREod Oggy
  8. Ok with regards to the monthly meet at Corsham, I will run one more Sunday Meet. The date will be the first Sunday next month, the 5th August at 7.45 pm. If people turn up it will continue..................if they don't it won't. Use it or lose it as they say.
  9. Looking at starting between 9 and 10 am. I am doing a mock run soon to check on timings, lunch venue, etc etc. and will confirm a start time once this has been done. Full details of the event will be made available when we meet up on the day. With regards to staying over, going to sort out a Curry on the Friday Night. Have a look at previous post's with regards to what is planned, local hotels etc.
  10. No probs mate! I knew you would not be about because you had said. Have a good time in LA
  11. A few from this Forum and also ZClub........................I wasn't expecting loads of people, maybe 5 to 10 for the first meet, but when I made up half the attendance I was gutted. Never mind........................let's hope the Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Run is better attended.
  12. Please re-confirm your attendance for the above meet. If you cannot attend I will not be offended, just let me know sooner rather than later. Names so far: Choptop Ian Trev-the-Rev Glen MH WoREoD Crasher bluelady Morg Chesterfield Billy7766 davestan + 1 Sarnie Jacko (TBC) Sinbad (TBC) beavis (TBC) MAB sgdavies MarkW TheMinel(TBC) Oggy Zedrush Flirt (TT)
  13. Dear All, Thanks for your positive and constuctive comments. I take on board what you all say. Sorry, I was having a bit of a moan! I never expected there to be loads of people at last night's meeting, maybe 5 to 10 people between the 350z Forum and ZClub, but when you make up half the attendance, I felt pretty gutted. I will ask everyone to reconfirm their attendance to The Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Meet/Drive.
  14. yep - You got a good deal. I am interested to see why you said it worked better from the rear socket? I would have thought they would give idenicle performance ? The connector at the base is a 'line out' output and you cannot alter this. (If the output is poor, there is nothing you can do about it). The Headphone socket you can increase the volume and hence the signal being sent to your car's stereo is much higher. The signal may be better if you use the rear power socket in the cabin as your power lead is also the transmitter aerial and may be closer to the aerial on your car, i.e better signal.
  15. After my experience with the First South West Meet last night, I must admit I am pretty fed up......................................... If this is the level of interest in the South West, after people said they were going to turn up to it, question if it is worth going to the effort of running the Wye Valley/Forest of Dean Meet and Drive. These runs take a lot of work and organising if they are going to go well.......................I need to be convinced if people say they are going to come, they do actually come. Comments please........
  16. Had a Griffin one but the output was poor from the ipod connector at the base. Either it was my iPod or a faulty Griffin transmitter. You can be lucky or unlucky, there does not seem to be any hard or fast rules with them.
  17. Guess what? I know the weather was bad and people are on holiday, but not one 350z Forum Member turned up. Only one ZClub Member turned up with their son. Poor Show If this is the level of interest in the South West, after people said they were going to turn up, don't think it is worth running another one. Now also question if it is worth going to the effort of running the Wye Valley/Forest of Dean Meet and Drive. These runs take a lot of work and organising.......................I have said my piece.
  18. Here is the pub http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en ... tab=0&om=1
  19. Depending on what date you chose, may be able to meet up with everyone in Bournemouth for a few hours.
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