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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. A real loss to everyone. However, it is not definate yet. Keep your fingers crossed.
  2. I have to say that the shop was for selling parts/conversions/ t-shirts etc direct to the public so really cannot say that I was that impressed. People were bringing in their cars for mods to be done in their garage. I know there is a language barrier but their attitude still sucked. Pictures to follow when I get back to the UK.
  3. Visited Nismo in Tokyo last Friday. I was really looking forward to seeing what they had accessory wise and what their garages were like. To say I was dissapointed was an understatement. They are only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons so I took the train and after a change at Shingowa Station arrived at what can only be decribed as an office block with at garage underneath. The shop was very small and no-one said hello which is very strange in Japan where everyone is very friendly. They had no stock and when I asked for the cost of a Nismo Sports Exhaust I was told that they did not make it for my year of manufacture and never had. The chap was about as useful as a chocolate teapot. They could get one for 2006 onward cars but the cost excluding tax or any shipping was 189 Thousand Yen. Cheaper to get one from Adam at Z1 Performance in New York who is also a great chap to deal with. Nismo, you really are doing yourself no favours. The reality is well short of the hype
  4. It is the new Infiniti Branded 350z. Infiniti is the `posh end` of Nissan cars like Toyota and Lexus. Infiniti is being launched as a brand in the UK next year. They will also be doing a glass folding roof version of this. Whether it will be on sale in the UK is anyone`s guess. I am currently in Japan and will see if I can get any more info on it.
  5. Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy the mad house.
  6. Let me know if I can do anything to help on this one.
  7. I know, i'm full of them (and before anyone says anything..... yes full of it as well! ) Any progress on an Area Event's Board yet?
  8. One last reminder everyone One very last reminder everyone. Choptop if your willing to delay until the 3rd or 4th weekend of this month im home for both of those. Where in Bristol you based? I guess I should update my info.....I live in North Common now. Hi, you have mail.
  9. Well done Digsy. I do not want to hear any more shell suit, permed hair or calm down, calm down jokes. Digsy will remove you from the forum
  10. No one turned up last night. As no one bothered attending, this regular meet has been cancelled.
  11. One last reminder everyone One very last reminder everyone.
  12. The trouble is some people were coming from a long way away and they would then have to cancel hotels if we postpoped it last minute. Also organising these events takes a lot of work, organising a pub with food, printing off maps etc etc. Believe you me, it is not as easy as it sounds.(Most pubs wanted a £250 non returnable desposit). This is not something you can cancel last minute or even a week before. Sorry all. Lets hope the weather improves in 2008.
  13. It has been pouring down in Bristol today. Long Range Weather Forecast predicts heavy rain. No good cancelling a few days before the event when people have arranged to come from miles away and have booked hotels. That is why I have made the decision to postpone until next year now. There is no point driving in the pouring rain for the fun of it..............that is not my idea of fun anyway.
  14. Well everyone, I have made a decision to pospone theis event. It is no good if it is going to rain. We shall sort something out for Spring 2008. Good old British Weather.
  15. Long range weather forecast is looking very poor. http://www.theweatheroutlook.com/twoplu ... orlrf.aspx Will make a final decision next weekend.
  16. Everything is crossed. Well nearly everything Hope it works out for you.
  17. 2008 then... I said if it looks like rain I will pospone it until the weather gets better..................lets just wait and see
  18. Sarnie, if you want to come it is no problem. You will be more than welcome. Seriously though everyone, I think we must be mindful of the weather and what it could do. I will get some long range weather forecasts at the beginning of August. If it looks like rain, I will pospone the run until the weather gets better. There is no point all of us driving around in the pouring rain. Everyone keep there fingers crossed for good weather. Had an e-mail from WoREod. Don't think he will be there. Poor old John.
  19. Val and Myself were called upon to judge cars on the Evo Stand on the Saturday Night. They have the photo's of us on their web page. I am not going to put a link up. Who will be the first one to find us?
  20. Confirmed so far: choptop Sarnie +1 Trev-the-Rev MAB woREod ? Oggy Chesterfield I have e-mailed WoREod to see how he is and if the car is ok or not.
  21. Hope weather improves for the Wye Valley & Forest of Dean Run/Meet.............come on sunshine
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