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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Hi all! Had a great time on Saturday Night. I didn't disapear at all. It was only Andy, Charlie and myself left on the dancefloor. I said goodnight to Andy and Charlie and made my way back to the hotel. Sarnie and Sinbad where did you go? I thought you had both gone off to 'Spearmint Rhino' or some similar place. I did look for you both before I left but couldn't find either of you. Got up in the morning and your car was still there Sinbad. WE MUST DO IT AGAIN.....................OH YES!!!!! PS The hotel Sinbad and myself stayed at was a real classy joint. I found a pair of trousers under my bed with the pants and socks still inside the trousers!!! The previous occupant must have been in a hurry to do something . Needless to say I did not get under the sheets that night due to their lack of cleanliness and froze my preverbials off!..............................The hot shower in the morning was the only good thing about the place!
  2. It would be a good idea to PM each other with Mobile Numbers just in case.
  3. Funny you should ask but I have just booked. C U there Booked what where? Hotel along the Hagley Road, Edgebaston. What are the arrangements for meeting up? Let me know if you could.
  4. Funny you should ask but I have just booked. C U there
  5. I am going to come up on the train so I can have a few beers. Let me know where we are meeting up. Choptop
  6. lightweight work commitments................. c**p excuse, ur just gettin too old and canny handle the pace. Thats more like the truth aint it i cant help bein 40................. everybodys pickin on me............... is it coz the pace was too fast on the welsh run Being 40 means you are in your prime! So who is staying over? Anyone suggest a good hotel?
  7. I have already suggested a date but other's could not attend. Unless we get this sorted soon, agree on a hotel and what we are doing, it will all be booked up. It is November this coming week. Christmas will soon be here. Ok, what dates would everyone want if we said Birmingham? A Saturday Night would be best early December. Suggestions please.
  8. Looks like the idea of a Christmas Bash is off due to a lack of interest. Hey ho
  9. Have a good time all. Wish I could be there but will have to sit this one out.
  10. I suggested Birmingham as it is central. London is too far away for people who live up North/Scotland. Idea's?
  11. Seems limited interest in a Christmas Bash. Real shame.
  12. Yes Birmingham International. Ok, let's start a confirmed list: 1. Sarnie. 2. Choptop.
  13. 1. Sarnie. 2. Zedrush 3. Choptop 4. Adam Z1 Performance Sarnie, can you recommend on a good place to stay? Need to get it booked up as Christmas is fast approaching
  14. choptop

    TVR and tree

    Now if he had owned a 350z............................it would still have been a complete mess! Poor bloke!
  15. Seems good to me. Think a Saturday Night would be best. What about the 8th December everyone? I feel a list coming on.
  16. Go for it Sarnie! Come up with some options if you could.
  17. Wow.......just logged on. Started something here! No seriously, it would need to be around Birmingham as to be central and giving everyone a fair chance of attending. Does anyone know of a good venue? Failing that, let's go to Amsterdam with EasyJet
  18. Are we going to have a Christmas Bash? Dinner and an overnight somewhere? What does everyone think? Where we be a good venue? Thoughts please
  19. Would love to come along but cannot make the above dates. Will come up to one next Summer if there is being one held.
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