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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Ok so time is going on and we now need to organise something. Can someone in London take on the challenge of sorting a night out as hotels etc need to be booked. Offers?
  2. Well London gets the vote in the end! I have two questions; 1) Are the people who voted for Manchester going to come to London or have a night out there instead? 2) As London is not my home town who would like to organise the night out? Please respond everyone
  3. The battery going flat was one of the main problems that I have had. I do not use the car every day but it was regularly charged but still it went flat. Bought a decent British Battery. The problem has now gone away
  4. Option 1 for me as I would love a Convertable G............................but would not sleep with the repayments! Lol!! Seriously, if you can afford it do it. For me I will keep with my Zed Roadster. You could always sell the Lambo and buy a Toyota Celica for £2k like AndyC
  5. Hi, Good to see you are still in the land of the living. Lol! I would have suggested a Toyota Celica, reliable, well built and cheap..............but you do not want front wheel drive.................I will get my thinking hat on. You have PM.
  6. Let's just see how the vote goes until 1st February; we can go from there. The idea is to get everyone together, not lots of small groups. I am not saying no, let's just wait until voting ends.
  7. Do you have shares in Autoglym? Like Meguirs stuff myself. It is all a personal choice. The fact that you do it is the most important thing though.
  8. London is in the lead so far. Will keep this going until the 1st February. Get voting everyone!
  9. Thanks for the info! Where has Liverpool gone?
  10. After the success of our Christmas Bash, thought I would start a new thread to see who would be up for another gathering in March. Can someone post a 'voting panel' up as I do not know how to do it. Let's say the choices are Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle for Saturday 1st March. Get voting everyone
  11. We were expecting some Snow in Bristol today but it never came. That's it I guess for snow this year in the SouthWest. Still very cold though.
  12. Can someone post a 'voting panel' up as I do not know how to do it. Let's say the choices are Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle for Saturday 1st March.
  13. Most women would have left after he got shot....................took her a while to get the drift of things didn't it! Keep them coming!
  14. I will recognise you at the next forum meet. You will be the poor bloke with the high pitched voice! PS Do you have anymore you could share with us?
  15. Maybe once every 2-3 months to keep it regular but not so often people can't be arsed? How about the first Saturday in March then? Where? Birmingham again is fine with me but if people want London, Liverpool, Manchester etc I will happily go there!
  16. Recently bought a new helmet myself. Went for a ACU Gold Standard Bike Helmet in the end. Had to try half of them on in the shop before I got one which was just right. Cost me £35.00 . Ok for Track Days etc but not for full racing. Scruitineers would not allow it. You do pay for what you get. Visiting a shop to try it on I would say is crucial to make sure you get a good fit. Lamoto's helmets look good for the money. Similar to the one I bought. (Takachi Brand). If I was doing racing all the time I would spend more. For me though with the small amount of track events that I do, £35 for a new helmet was great.
  17. Maybe once every 2-3 months to keep it regular but not so often people can't be arsed? How about the first Saturday in March then?
  18. Whats that? If you don't know the answer then you better go and buy a lambo to compensate.......... oh, you already did........... The lambo snaps knicker elastic at 30 yds You should buy better quality knickers... I do, La Senza all the way i thought you wore la senza stuff....... M&S all the way for me. Especially their thongs......................lovely!
  19. Would love to come along but a bit far away for me. Have fun all!
  20. Excellent photo's Andy! Was I really that drunk? What a laugh. Think we should meet up like this on a regular basis. What does everyone think? If so how often? Comments please....................
  21. Glad to see you alive! I swear i couldnt feel my feet for about 4 hours after i got up it was that cold!! Scott of The Antartic would have been proud of us! Where did you end up? PM me.
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