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Posts posted by choptop

  1. Guys, I'm daly not going to able to make this meet now. I 'did myself a mischief' while in France a couple of weeks back.


    Picked a rather nasty infection in my leg, for which I've been taking some mega anti-biotics. The leg is gradually improving and feeling a lot better.


    However; I've just driven up to Horsham Developments today to get some work done on the Zed. I have to tell you that the leg is pretty uncomfortable after the drive.


    I think driving on it for a few hours, while getting over this infection may not be a good idea. Consequently, and unfortunately, I think it's sensible for me to 'bow out' of this meet and concentrate on getting the leg sorted


    Sorry guys :(

    Sorry to hear that you're not gonna be able to make the meet next weekend Struan :(


    Take it easy and hope your leg gets better soon :)

    +1 :thumbs:

  2. Ploughmans please, cream teas are problematic:-

    Devon = jam on top of cream

    Cornwall = cream on top of jam


    Can confirm it will be 4000rpm..........


    Sad to see the old 350 go nearly seven years from new now........ 😢😢😢


    What are you replacing it with?

  3. Hi There,


    Thought I would sort out a Breakfast Meet before the August Bank Holiday. It will be at:


    Bradley Stoke Harvester,Unit 5-7 Willow Brook Centre, Bristol. BS32 8EF


    Meet in the Car Park outside Tesco Extra at 9.30am for a 10.00am feast :thumbs:


    Put your name down if you are interested.



    1) choptop


    Event cancelled.

  4. Stamps in the service book are only really important on a new car within the warranty period. Outside of that. Personally I would do the servicingy yourself, keep the receipts for parts used and have the satisfaction of doing it yourself and used the money saved on a weekend away with your other half :thumbs:

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