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  1. I got an invitation throught the post - never really asked for for a 48 hour test drive. Really chuffed.. :) Two more days to go...
  2. Is £12k the bid price or the total cost to your when the car lands in the UK?
  3. A very tempting thought... thanks...it is just that I have a 300 mile limit. Has anyone had this type of invitation before? Are they really strict on the limit?
  4. Still thinking... picking up a car on a 48 hour test drive on the coming Friday...
  5. The first post on this forum... hello everyone I have been offered a 48 hour test drive in a 350Z. I pick up the car next Friday. I have been a BMW man for the last few years (330i, Z3 2.2, etc), so rear wheel drive is not new to me. Is the driving experience similar? Do you guys have any tips on how to get the best out of the car? Also, I live in lecestershire, any recommended routes that would enable me to really exploit the car's potential?
  6. Just joined the forum. A big hello to everyone.
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