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Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. The rear view mirror is a bit loose moving it side to side. Couldn't see an obvious adjustment. v. minor anyway. Loving the Orange factor - went for the orange seats, gearlever and handbrake. It's not as wacky as it sounds - honest.
  2. Z has landed First impressions - I like it more the longer I'm in it! The torque on low revs is much more than I remember from the test drive and yes I am being nice and running her in gently. Best quality stereo I've heard in a car so much better than the Bose effort in my old TT or £1200 Harmon Kardon unit in my daily driver MG ZT. I Instantly feel at home with the controls and drivng position except maybe the trip computer is a bit of a reach if you mess with it as much as I do. Can't comment on the comfort of the seats yet as only done 50 miles. I have to say I was very impressed with the main dealer sales team, not pushy like some, also gifted my and missus with Z key rings and a rather posh flower arrangement with colour coded ribon as he knew the car was for my missus mainly. One slight niggle maybe - when sitting in traffic there is a smell of hot oil/grease maybe, seems to be comming from drivers side front, I suspect sticking brakes, but will run it for a little while yet to see it if beds down on its own. Bluetooth/phone unit was a bit of a shock - a voice recognition system that understands my accent with no training is a first for me! I noticed over nasty potholes the gearlever (gearbox and engine I'm guessing) seems to be suspended diffrently to the passenger cell, I'm guessing this is deliberate to allow the passenger cell to be more distanced from large shocks. I noticed the rear view mirror makes me feel as if I am doing 100mph when I am only doing 20 cause it jumps and vibrates around so much - is this typical?
  3. Try these guys. Join the growing band of furious motorists teaming up to defeat evil http://www.safespeed.org.uk
  4. I dunno - I owned one for a short while, which consisted of rattles, warrenty hassles, wheel bearing failures, rattles, air con failures, rattles, dealer incompetance and did I say rattles? Although the interior look was excellent - slightly behind a Tiv or Zonda for innovative and absorbing cockpits IMHO.
  5. Anybody see any good Z screensavers? I've done the usual internet trawl and found 4 but they were a bit weak.
  6. A very tempting thought... thanks...it is just that I have a 300 mile limit. Has anyone had this type of invitation before? Are they really strict on the limit? Never had a limit before, but take it from the dealers point of view - If you put significant mileage on it you dent the price. However if you're sure after 300 miles that you are going to buy it, I don't see how he could complain? :
  7. Gutted for you mate. Had a similar thing with a ford puma a few years back. It was my first new car and I worked damn hard for it. There are soome really nasty pieces of work out there who have no respect for hard working people and just want to bring you down. Don't let 'em get to you and grind you down. In the end they will be jealous and petty minded all their life.
  8. I can relay some opinions for you; 1) There does seem to be a reasonable incidence of top end problems 2) Hearsay would suggest that there was a batch of dodgy finger followers, that were not marked so impossible to tell which cars they went in 3) Some dealers have suggested a camshaft replacement (too extreme profiles?) 4) There are at least 3 independent garages doing rebuilds, using their own fabricated components (as mine will have once rebuilt ) 5) Mr Melling (SP6 and AJP8 designer) gave a talk in 2004 to TVR owners where he poured scorn on TVRs effort to productionise his design. The idies have various methods of returning the SP6 the Melling original Every car is a compromise somehow, I found it best to do the homework before plunging in, setting myself a realistic expectation of the car's capabilities, reliability, costs and most importantly grin's per mile
  9. Interesting question. I haven't had any niggles that I know some owners have had. The fit and finish are pretty good and it seems to be wearing well. I managed to fry my engine though. Head gasket went boom and the block warped. Not Good! I'm not too upset as I had some good advice to expect it to behave like a supercar and salt away some cash for an engine rebuild one day. I love the looks and the sound it makes, but it is a little uncouth for a daily driver, but perfect for highdays and holidays. TVR have had some problems with inconsistent engine build quality, some are great and have no probs, there are a few cerbs with over 130,000miles but there are also a few with significant problems. That's not to say it's unusual with powerful cars - visit the 911 forum on pistonheads and ask about 996 engine reliability if you want a hard time . But TVR could do a lot better with customer service and warrenty hassles. All that said, I don't regret buying it. The ability to polarise opinion of everyone you meet - love or hate at garages, abroad, hotels is eye opening and good fun. As an experience the acceleration and wail above 4000rpm that's makes women in the passanger seat sqeak is one to be remembered into my dotage.
  10. Cheers Guys. I guess I thought the colour was sunrise cause it's Japanese - can I get away with that one cause I'm a newbie? The Tivs aren't all mine The first and last are my P&J T350. Poorly sick with enginitus at the moment. The others are from track days where wild machinery was on view, the best was a le mans T400. Poor quality vid linked below if you want to hear it. No-one on the day will forget the noise that thing made. within 5meters everones stomach was vibrating - freaky! I'll edit my sig when the big Z arrives.
  11. ...well west yorkshire at least. My and the missus pick up our new sunrise coupe in a week an-a-bit Can't wait I've been lurking for a couple of months while choosing what car to go for next and I have to say I have found this board so far to be a pleasant experience and full of informed debate. Long may it continue. Cheers!
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