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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Now thats tempting Pics now live on the web if anyone wants to drool www.TheGlenOnline.co.uk And it's doing 26mpg average, which seems reasonable. I really like this car and hope it hangs around a while
  2. LOL, nobody is THAT good a friend, not even the ones who keep me warm at nights LOL And before anyone starts, I mean GIRLS
  3. Dan

    Cage Rage

    Too right mate, would love to. I'll hold your coat
  4. Dan

    Cage Rage

    LOL yeah a few broken ribs, dislocated jaw and a black eye lol fit as a butchers Dog I am very competitive but I would only step in the ring if I could make a fair account of myself. So probably not for a while yet. I've only done Go Shin Kempo Ju Jitsu and these guys seem to have very mixed backgrounds so there will be big holes in my knowledge and I'm not sure that 8 years on the doors would make up for that. Throwing a group of drunks out of a club does not prepare you to stand toe to toe with a trained fighter, and thankfully I do realise that
  5. Dan

    Cage Rage

    P.S. For the record I intend to find a local MMA club get back into this sport. I've already planned my entry which will be me dressed in an old dressing gown, pipe and slippers and pushed to ringside in a wheelchair by Amanda dressed in her naughty nurse outfit LOL. I'll then stand and disrobe at ringside and reveal my chiselled 40 year old with all my own teeth 19 stone physique which is fueled by Guinness and KFC to the tune of Hot Chocolate I Believe in Miracles cos that what I'll bloody need. And on a positive note the wheelchair will be right there for when I get my ass handed to me
  6. Dan

    Cage Rage

    Dunno about that, he was on the floor grappling with a 136kg guy so high intensity ie lots of power being used for 5 minutes, thats what killed his breathing because he wasn't fit enough to sustain that level of output. Re weight classes, in Powerlifting the guys always aim to be at the top of the lightest weight class they can make which makes the weight classes extremely competitive. For example you get 115kg lifters hitting the 110kg weigh in and so the lifts end up very very close to the next weight class up. It's only at the top weight class, 110kg plus that you see a big difference in the lifts because you get 150kg monsters competing against guys who just missed the 110kg weight. It's worth bearing in mind that you would have a big speed advantage over a heavier fighter and would only struggle if it went to the floor.
  7. I would say anyone who likes the Zed would like one of these. Very similar in nature.
  8. Dan

    Cage Rage

    Definitely steroids mate, no question. Cardiovascular effeciency goes out the window and the heart struggles to provide enough oxygen to the muscles. I would even go as far to guess the sauce he was using as it was most likely Trenbolone. Very good for strength and size gains but very bad for cardio and endurance. He should have known better in this sport, or was probably hoping it would be over in the first round.
  9. Dan

    Cage Rage

    Not to get too personal but you looked a bit chubby LOL I don't know much about the sport yet but the lads that were fighting looked very lean. Presumably there are weight classes ? The big lads will be slower but pack more punch. You will know best how you feel at what weight and where you have the best compromise of speed and power. When I competed in April I was heading for 21 stones but I could hardly move and running had my heart pounding on my chest like an Alien was gonna burst through it LOL. I'm much fitter now at 19 stone but I've lost a lot of power. It's all about compromise.
  10. Dan

    Cage Rage

    Yeah I definitely wanna come to see that mate but I'll bring a different girl next time as I don't think it was Rachels scene. I'm actually quite interested in the sport and might see whats going on near me MMA training wise. Would need to get a lot fitter though, don't want to end up like the guy who couldn't make round two ! If your interested there are plenty of vids of me on YouTube Powerlifting, most of them under Super Galloot or Sugden Barbell. You can save them to that special folder you keep
  11. Went for a play last night, in the rain. Cruising on the motorway gave me time to play with the stereo, and its very impressive. Have to say its one of the best stereos I've had in a car. Got plenty of looks aswell, and was heading for 27mpg at a steady 80-90 ish. Then hit the back roads which I know well, with a couple of decent straights where I could take it to the red line in 2nd and 3rd. At first I wasn't too impressed, and I remember thinking the same a couple of summers ago when I got the M3 Convertible ( same engine ). But then I got to 5500rpm and let it keep pulling to the redline at 7500rpm and it was a totally different story. Ok, this thing is quick. Actually it's very quick, so quick in fact the traction control light was flashing in 3rd at about 6500rpm in a straight line, and the tyres are very fresh and at the correct pressures so it's really no slouch. The difference between this and the M3 is very marked, so it must be down to the weight. It's a serious tool when you let it rev. Handling wise its a total gem. The traction control steps in right away and you really can't get into trouble unless you totally **** up an entry. I dared to switch the TC off for a couple of slow second gear corners ( I'm not that brave LOL ) and the tail was very easy to push out and hold on the throttle. The sports seats are briliant, if a little narrow but thats probably more my fault than theirs LOL. And they are red leather, so very slutty LOL In summary, I love it. I've had a lot of cars, and some very good ones, but had started to become a little bit blase. Not any more ! I really must keep this one for a while and take it round the highlands for a good thrash. Proper car
  12. Just bought one this aft and drove it back to site, motorway all the way so not got much to say about it yet but I'll be going out for a play tonight, in the wet Will post some comments tommorow, let you know what I think. Looks the business though....
  13. Just a quick one to say thanks to Zedrush for the free tickets, good night out and hello to all the guys I met on the night. Was very good to meet you all
  14. Dan

    Kit cars

    You and me both. Thats my dream car that is. I believe Gardner Douglas are the best kits. Meanwhile take a look here and drool : http://www.sovereigncarsales.co.uk/Cobras.aspx
  15. Simply say if your so confident go ahead and sell the car and I'll gladly pay you £99.50, but you get paid when I get paid and not before
  16. I had a big debacle with my broker over this, on the grounds that it was totally unworkable and by the time I submit any list of vehicles its already out of date. He said that it isn't actually being positively enforced so there was no need to bother. I haven't supplied a list of vehicles for over 3 years now. I have never been stopped by the Police but my girlfriend has been stopped a couple of times and they said the car shows up as being "in the trade" so there must be some other system running alongside the MID. I've entered a few of my cars into that website and they all show up as not insured.
  17. Dan


    LOL yes thats the one, future classic, or would have been if it wasn't condemned at it's last MOT ! Yeah the lass was impressed, a convertible for her first car LOL
  18. Dan


    You big softy, your spoiling her rotten ! My chick got a Metro Cabrio that cost me £200 quid
  19. Yeah thats a good thing because all the people they need will still be on site. You have plenty of car washing to look forward to then
  20. Ok I'm an amateur compared to you guys, but entering into the spirit of the thing :
  21. Just pay attention to the details, take your time walking around the place, I mean really take your time and look closely at everything. You may well find the finish close up is quite rough and ready. Biggest problem is likely to be rainwater ingress, especially if you have bay windows. They seem incapable of building bay windows these days, I have two and they both leaked in for several weeks. I also have a balcony and that was a bit unsteady when filled with bulky buffoons armed with Stella Artois so I had to get them back to strengthen it ! There is no way you will spot everything and you will no doubt be finding problems for weeks to come, but as long as you are firm but fair they usually sort things without any fuss. I certainly wouldn't let it put me off buying a new build, especially with the large potential profit you stand to make
  22. It was funny watching them trying to wriggle out of putting it right, however, once they had built the cavity wall I was a bit cheesed off. At the time I had a 1975 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow which was a real beauty, only 54,000 miles, you know the sort of thing. Anyway, before the cavity was built the car would fit, but after the cavity it would not, it was too long, so I had to keep it at work instead I've attempted to attach a pic of the car, in front of the garage...
  23. The simple answer is for us all to start bogus companies, register for VAT and claim 17.5% back on all our petrol At Tesco last night it was 103.9, which works out at 88.5p a litre for me I am of course talking gonads because the VAT man always wins, I always end up paying him every quarter, and quite handsomely for the contribution he makes to my business, ie none at all, but at least I get to kid myself over the price of petrol !
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