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Posts posted by Dan

  1. I am aware of a low speed grumbling noise on my 04 GT, with 14,000 miles. I've not had a 350Z before so it may well be a characteristic of the car, but it sounds a lot like a wheelbearing to me.

    It's most prominent between 15mph and 30mph, then subsides at higher speeds.

    Anybody else got this rumbling noise ?

    Is it a feature of the car, or do I have a problem ?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Yes very true. I would say if you have the budget for a UK car don't even consider an import. On top of the spec differences you have difficulty of resale and poor residuals, as well as the fact that many Insurance companies won't touch them.

    I've nothing againt imports per se, in fact I have owned literally hundreds of them, Skylines, Supras, 3000GT etc but an import Skyline for 3 or 4 grand is a totally different kettle of fish. When you are talking the thick end of 20 grand for a 350Z the vast majority of the buying public would not even consider buying an imported car, which makes them much more difficult to sell on.

    I'm not having a go at anyone who did buy an import, I hope it doesn't come across that way. I'm just passing on my opinion as a car dealer of 20 years plus experience.

  3. Liam, you may have seen me there before. I went a couple of times in an '03 Silver M3 Convertible. Before that I took a Silver Supra TT ( I've been on Uk Supras for about 10 years ). We may have even met or at least passed each other at the bar !!!


    Trev, I am used to being looked at mate, I don't exactly "blend in" ;)


    Today I spent hours cleaning the Z, and it wasn't exactly mucky. This is something I very rarely do and will no doubt stop when the newness wears off !

  4. He he I have two kids and 2 mutts, and desperately wanted a Z !

    The conversation went like this :


    Me : I fancy a 350Z


    Wife : But you have 2 kids, so we won't all be able to get in it and you'll have to go out on your own all the time.


    Me : EXACTLY :D

  5. Thank very much lads.


    Think going to do it the safe way and fork out 100 pounds. Still a rip off. Think its only cos of car, if it were a nissan micra it would be alot cheaper even though same kinda keys.


    Matty, the price is the same as the Micra mate, it's the same key.

  6. Aw you guys, such a warm welcome :teeth:


    Thanks for the invite to the drive out. Sadly I own a car dealership and I work Sundays - until I can pursuade my salesman to work 7 days a week myself and the wife work Sundays in his place.


    However I regularly attend the Mascrat Manor meetings and will more than likely be at the next one.

  7. I've just joined and wondered whether this had already been discussed ? Who's had both, and what are your views ?

    I'm a car dealer and have had just about everything over the last 20 years. I think the Z has the ZX beat for driver involvement, chassis dynamics and noise :D

    But a good ZX is a tad quicker, not much mind, and there aren't very many good ZX's left.

  8. Hi folks, I just felt like I had to jump in on this one. Be very careful when looking at Imports, not just 350Z. Many of the importers are buying low grade and often damaged cars in Japan and tarting them up on the cheap for resale in the Uk at enormous profit margins. I have spent over 20 years in the Motor Trade and never fail to be amazed at the shoddy repairs and low standard paint work on imported cars. Most of the imports I have seen look like they were painted by Stevie Wonder. All of this reconditioning work is done at the lowest possible cost to maximise margins. What amazes me even more is that the general public still buy them in this state, presumably because they appear cheap or possibly because they simply do not spot the repairs.


    If you must buy an import due to budget constraints or any other reason, at the very least take someone with you how knows how to spot accident damage and poor paintwork so you don't get stuck with a lemon.

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