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Everything posted by Dan

  1. LOL, all becomes clear I'm not a big fan of body kits myself, but two things that help resale better than any other factors are mileage and specification.
  2. It's called stacking the deal. They get commission on finance, so if you are funding £17k ( £21,995 less £5k for yours ) they are liable for a nice chunk of commission, probably over a grand on that balance depending on their base rate. This gives them much more to play with than chassis profit alone so if you are financing through them they can offer you more for your car. The way they are dealing with you tells me its probably Perrys ? Bear in mind the 350z is a good seller so they won't want to give the car away, they have a minimum profit they aim for and they won't do a deal that makes much less than that figure, especially on a car they know they can sell. They are also taking your car from you and it needs work, and they need to make a profit on your car too. At the end of the day when you are trading a car in the price of their car and the price of your car is immaterial, you need to focus on the balance to change, the difference between the two values. Tell them how much you want to pay and let them do the rest. Their base rate will be very low and they can do you a cracking deal if they really want to ! Good luck mate.
  3. I'm assuming thats a joke Without GT spec they don't sell. ( Thats trade speak for "they are nowhere near as popular as GT spec cars and will sit on the forecourt 5 times as long" ).
  4. Thats a ridiculous price for a car on the list, it's not worth anything like that figure. In auction it wouldn't make £10k.
  5. Thats top retail price, pretty much what you would expect at a Nissan dealership.
  6. A decent painter would be able to match the colour. I can put you on to a very good painter in Blackburn if you are struggling. A friend had a Supra in a one off colour and wanted to fit a body kit to the car. She had it painted near her home ( Kettering ) and the colour was miles off. So we ended up bringing it up here and my painter matched it perfectly. I will definitely post on here if/when I get the car because I've not had a Roasdster before and I'll no doubt be quite excited about it
  7. Some good feedback there lads, thanks very much. Now I've seen the picture I remember having an X-TRail in that colour and it looked ok. I can't have the car till June 14th because it's coming in part exchange at a dealership, but if it's a nice car I'll buy it. I've not had a roadster before, should be fun
  8. This is a none metallic colour, would that put you off ? Does it look good on the car, I don't remember seeing one ? I've been offered an 06/06 Convertible with GT pack, done 11k, 1 owner, but it's in Chilli Pepper and I'm not too sure about the colour. Just thought I would get some opinions. Thanks in advance.
  9. Dan

    Monaro VXR

    Sold it today to a young lad from Faz Lane militaty base. The test drive did it, I drove, over my favourite road. Overtook everything we saw. Cornering on the limit, rear end gently shuffling about round the bends. They said it was like being at Blackpool Pleasure beach His mate had an Imprezza and said it would not keep up with the Monaro on that road. At least not with me driving - LOL. It was a superb car, I'll certainly miss it and would buy another without doubt. So what next - I've been offered an 06 plate 350z roadster
  10. Dan

    Lotus Exige

    Yeah, and the basics like being able to get in and out are nice too
  11. Dan

    Lotus Exige

    Be warned, they are very focused and can be quite wearing if you are not ! I would guess they would be hard work day in, day out, unless you are always in the mood for a thrash. I would love one as a toy but not as an everyday car, I would actually prefer an Elise because I love soft tops, but I don't fit
  12. Auto Electrics is almost a black art and mechanics cannot do it ! I don't let my mechanics waste time chasing their tails with electrical faults that they won't be able to trace. I have a very good mobile auto electrician who is very experienced and quite often knows the fault before he sees the car, just from experience. I have used him for 6 or 7 years and he has never been stumped yet. He isn't cheap but in the long run he is cheaper than wasting my mechanics time on something they can't fix. I would wager the main dealers will have mechanics trying to fix it, which they won't be able to do. I would be gently suggesting they call in an Auto Electrician and let their mechanics get on with Oil changes
  13. You can't throw a figure at the car without knowing a bit more about it, at the very least we need to know the year and the spec. I would guess the car will stand the mileage well mechanically if it has been driven properly and not thrashed through the gears day in, day out, but the problem will be re-sale. The 350Z is an enthusiasts car and most enthusiasts want to buy a good one which has been cherished and molly coddled and wrapped in cotton wool and lower mileage cars are always more desirable and easier to sell. Having said that, everything sells if it's cheap enough. Post up the year and the spec ( GT pack ? ) and the colour and I'll tell you exactly what it's worth.
  14. In my experience, which is over 20 years in the Motor Trade, after market Warranties and extended Warranties are not worth the paper they are written on. I've dealt with many Warranty companies over the years - probably just about all of them - and they all employ very clever people to sit around and think of excuses for not paying up. Warranty companies are nothing more than insurance companies. They are in business for profit - NOT for your peace of mind. Once they have your money the only way they make a profit is by NOT paying out for claims. Warranties which are included are fair enough, but I would never tell anyone to pay for one. As a car dealer I am unusual in that I do not sell Warranties. This is because over the years I have sold Warranties to my customers in good faith and then ended up paying for the fault out of my own pocket when the Warranty company refused to pay up. Now I don't bother with Warranty companies at all and I stand by my cars myself because I don't want my customer service ruining by some third party Warranty company. Warranties are viewed by most dealers as an additional profit centre and they are NOT sold to increase their customers peace of mind. A Warranty they sell for £299 will typically cost them about £130. It's all about profit, not customer service. My advice is to keep your money, make sure the car is right before you pick it up, then pay attention to any problems because the best protection you have is the Sale of Goods Act and the Dealers attitude to customer service.
  15. Agree, it's more important to an employer that you can demonstrate initiative and the ability to think on your feet. It's sounds like they thought you had rehearsed your answers and just repeated stuff verbatim. You genereally don't get given a reason why you were not chosen, so this may be their idea of "constructive criticism". Good luck with the job hunting.
  16. If your buying privately please please please get a HPI report done before you give him any money. I'm sorry if I am telling you something you already know, but the Zed is not a cheap car and the vast majority are on finance. If it is on finance the car belongs to the finance company and NOT the guy selling it. By law the guy should settle the finance before he sells the car. Of course many private sellers will promise they are going to settle the finance when they get your cheque... Secondly, like any performance car, the Z is more likely to have been crashed than your average Mondeo etc, and again ( unless the damage is very recent, or wasn't repaired through an Insurance company ) the HPI report should tell you this. The best advice I can give you is to take an expert but remember AA and RAC inspections will NOT spot accident damage, they are only trained to spot mechanical problems. Good luck mate.
  17. Thats not a bad deposit, balance on collection LOL PM Me if you want more info.
  18. It averaged 22 point something on the last tank, but on Monday I filled it, reset the trip and went straight on the motorway for over 100 miles and it was over 26 mpg after that run.
  19. The looks of a car are so subjective, and opinions are always going to differ. I personally think the new 3 series is a good looking car, but I've not seen a soft top yet.
  20. www.TheGlenOnline.co.uk Am I supposed to do this ??? Don't want to upset anyone !
  21. The DVLA have to see your Insurance to issue your Tax Disc, which means you have to get your Insurance first. I'm not an expert on this side of things and I could be wrong, but I haven't heard of an Insurance co. issuing cover notes on the VIN. I think you may well have to have it on standard plates and then transfer your private plate to the car later. This makes sense because if you ever sell the car and retain your plate the car has to have a number to revert back to... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
  22. Everything is for sale Click on TheGlen in the forum discounts section on the home page, thats my website.
  23. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you I've been running for months and you made 10k in about my best time with 1 weeks training ! Did I mention I hate you ? Well done mate. As for the walk, 40 miles across the moors, don't be silly thats why landrovers were invented
  24. Dan


    Silver import, seen regularly on the A6177 between Blackburn and Haslingden. Anyone on here ?
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