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Posts posted by Dan

  1. after a second car for work, want to leave the z tucked up for winter. what do ppl think of free lander 1?


    The best thing about them is that they are currently very cheap. I do very well with them, they are good sellers and don't worry too much over the head gasket issues because every garage on every corner of every street has done dozens of them and can fix it in their sleep ;)

    I used to pay £150 all in, so it's no big deal.

    You could even find a V6 and avoid the trouble all together, there isn't really that much difference in fuel and the V6 is far far better on the motorway. Clean ones start around £2000, so they are real bargain for a cheap 4x4.

  2. The only reason i never got on is that Janice isn't too happy with the driving position,




    Yeah the driving position is a little unusual, needs a bit of fiddling with but the seats are among the best I've ever sat in, absolutely fantastic.

    I actually wish I had kept my last one, it was a black 56 plate with only 4k on the clock and one owner. Difficult to replace and sold in ten days, just as I was getting attached to it :headhurt:

  3. £179 for a minor service is ridiculous.

    I do a full level 2 for £179 ( plus the VAT ) which includes Oil, Oil Filter, Air Filter, Plugs ( or Fuel Filter if Diesel ), Remove Wheels and inspect Tyre wear and report on Wheel Alignment, Inspect Steering and Suspension components for correct operation and wear, Strip and clean Brakes front and rear and report on condition, Check Exhaust, Brake Pipes, Fuel Lines and general underbody condition, Check and top up Coolant, Anti Freeze, Screen Wash, Bulbs, Wipers etc. Grease all hinges, check Tyre Pressures and road test vehicle.

    How they can justify £179 for an Oil change is beyond me.

  4. Just been on the radio about a new "speed trap" record !!!

    The guy had borrowed his employers Porsche and got clocked at 172mph - on a Dual Carriageway !!!

    It's the highest speed recorded in a speed trap in the UK.

    I wonder if he is still employed LOL :lol:

  5. Made it to the end of the thread LOL


    Well done mate, you will love that engine, any revs, any gear it just goes. Massive torque makes overtaking a lark, you never need drop below 4th gear unless you really want to show something up LOL. Keep that traction control switched on in the wet :D

    Two more points, in Black my last Monaro turned more heads than any other car I've owned and you will comfortably get 25 mpg at 80-90 on the motorway. Sure you will get into the teens on the back roads giving it plenty but the gearing is so high and there is so much torque its very easy to get decent fuel economy from these cars.

    My only complaint was the car was too quiet LOL

    It's got a 6 litre V8 and I want to hear it god dammit !!!

    There is a sports exhaust available from Vauxhall ( about £1800 I think ) and that would be the first mod I would make if I was keeping the car.

    Enjoy :thumbs:

  6. Anyone heard of these guys....



    They have one or two for sale at good prices and low miles


    Yes I've dealt with them, they messed me around quite a bit. They were supposed to be buying my last Monaro from me, 56 plate with 4k. They offered me a trade profit, I accepted their offer, and two weeks later they moaned at me because I sold the car retail. ie they had two weeks to come and collect the car and didn't turn up, then moaned at me for selling it ! In the trade you don't mess people about like that and I wouldn't deal with them again.

    Rank amateurs and a couple of prats IMO.

  7. True enough, but then you look at the price :teeth:

    Duke is something like 11k brand spanking which makes the Lambo look a little dear !


    I would reckon a lot is down to the circuit as I would say a car is quicker in very tight stuff and definitely can brake harder, and therefore later, so on a tight twisty circuit it would be closer and on a more open circuit I would expect a bike to be further ahead.

    Good to watch though.

  8. I reckon if they had have timed the 2 seprately the bike would have been miles quicker. Cars are soooo wide and difficult to get past.


    Good stuff though... :thumbs:


    Yeah thats a good point, timed runs would have been more fair. And Tiff must have been wary of contact and knocking the poor bugger off....he looked very close at one point.

  9. So who saw Fifth Gear last night ?

    I thought the Lambo vs Ducati bit was fantastic, always interested to see these types of things, being a biker.

    Although I must say I thought it was quite obvious the bike had slowed down for the telly to make it more exciting to watch. In reality I reckon the bike would have been well away, he even had time to pop the front wheel a couple of times showboating for the camera. Smart arse :D

  10. Need to be aware of the old wives tales my friend...... The head gasket issue was common when you had 1 ton plus to haul around, you'll find very very few Elise's with popping head gaskets mate. :)


    And it also depends which Elise you are referring to..... And the later ones have Toyota VVTi lumps in them. Good fun! ;):thumbs:


    Yeah you're right, my comment was slightly tongue in cheek as I've had dozens of HGs done on Rovers but I had heard it was rare on the Elise.

    The Toyota lump would be much preferable but it's gotta be a Turbo VX for me, in Yellow...

    I've wanted one ever since I read the road test, you know how it is :D

  11. I can't stand being in the MX5 for longer than about 30mins as I find the room given to driver and passenger re: legroom too small. The battery is in the passenger footwell and I have wanted to kick through it so many times!! I'm 6'1" so just wondered. I find the Elise has so much more room in it. Yes, it is a pain to get in and out, but once in very comfortable.


    Surprised you think a VX220 will be any different mate as the Elise is the same, but for badge snobs...... :p:D


    I think I have shortish legs and long body, so the legroom is ok for me.


    It's the VX220 Turbo I'm looking at, so much quicker than the Elise. I possibly would have an Elise if it wasn't for the stupid K series engine popping its gasket every few miles :lol:

  12. This thread reminds me that for many years I never owned a car that cost more than about £1000 and I had some briliant cars ! V8 Rovers, 2.8 Capris and Granadas, Jags etc.

    In fact the first "expensive" car I owned was when my Grandma died and left me £6,000 in her will. So I rushed out and blew the lot on an F plate Sapphie Cosworth :D

    I worked for an Insurance Broker after leaving School and the wages were pathetic. I seem to remember earning about £70 a week and I would save and save and save and then spend every penny I had on my next car.

    I started buying and selling cars to make some extra money. I remember the first car I ever bought to make money was an Austin Princess 1.7. I bought it for £170 and sold it for £350, so that profit was two weeks wages :D

  13. I'm exactly six feet tall but I'm quite stocky, and yet I find the MX-5 to be fine. I mean it's snug, but I like it. I don't feel cramped in the car, it's almost Tardis like :)

    It looks like it's going to be a tight fit and yet once I'm in I'm perfectly comfortable in it.


    I have been a passenger in an Elise a couple of years ago and it was quite a feat to get in and out especially with my mate being fanatical about where I put my feet during the process :blush:


    I've wanted a VX220 Turbo for ages, never had one, never even sat in one but I was over 20 stone ( Powerlifter ) until I recently started working on fitness and I'm rapidly heading for 18 stones just now, so if I am ever going to get in one nows the time :thumbs:

  14. Well it's been a long time since I had one and I bought one last week and decided to run it for a couple of weeks.

    I absolutely love it. Back to basics, no frills, and so much FUN !!!

    I took it down my favourite country road and it's a real giant killer, I overtook everything I came across and just sat there with a manic grin on my face the whole time. And for the car it was totally effortless. It carries so much corner speed it's like driving a Go-Kart !!!

    The downside is the power, if anything ever needed more grunt it's this and the chassis would easily handle it. It needs a Turbo bolting on :)


    I really really must get myself a VX220 Turbo. The Mazda has convinced me that I would absolutely love one...

    Watch this space :thumbs:

  15. Triumph 2 litre Vitesse convertible.



    And for the thread " what was the first car you wrote off"


    Triumph 2 litre Vitesse convertible.






    My first car was a Morris Marina, and I still haven't forgiven my Father for that one !


    The first car I wrote off ( after my Dads company car, and he still hasn't forgiven me for that one !!! ) was a Morris Marina !!!


    From there on in I bought my own cars and it was P6 Rover 3500, SD1 3500, XJ6 Jags and 3.0 litre Capris thank you very much :thumbs:


    I once bought an XJ12 Jag, which was my dream car at the time, but couldn't afford to go anywhere in it at 10.5 miles per gallon !!!

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