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Everything posted by hido7

  1. Indeed! but its also just a £10 radio control servo mounted in a folded ally box for which they want > £100. I would rather do it myself and mount the servo inside the Zed's bumper so there would be no protrusion of any sort. How does yours work hido? Can we have a close up of the plate in the flip position? Sure,.but you need to wait couple days. Because i'm in London right now.
  2. The Speedflip's product is an old design. It is easily tell cops that you had that plate flipper .If you see the pic below,.you'll see that big silver metal box. To install this thing, you will need a room for this box, or your license plate will stand out.
  3. I'm from Taipei. I come to London to visit my GF for a month, and will go back to Taipei next wednesday. BTW, I'm here almost a month,.why I only saw 2 Zs on the street?
  4. Yeah!. It's totally illegal. But it does save a lot $$$... It is so fun to speeding through a speed camera without worry. That product is only sell in Taiwan. If you guys want one,..I suggest you guys make a group buy,.so it will reduce some shipping charges..
  5. You guys might wanna try this. Motorized License plate. I got one in my Z...It save me lot of speeding tickets.. When it's off,..you wont even know what's behind the plate..
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