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Everything posted by nixy

  1. You've done a brilliant job there! Well done!
  2. Yeah ok smart arse - I knew that but itts a good comparison when asking the question. As for LSD - that seems to be a grey area, get it on some ramps and check.
  3. I can vouch for the sulking and beer scenario! I was driving behind when it happened and saw everything. We were driving slow and sensibly and there was a police car in front of us. Its a pain in the backside and the attitude of the womans boyfriend was terrible after shed already admitted fault. However - having already looked up all the laws on keeping dogs under control and how to make a small claim I'm pretty confident of a positive outcome.
  4. In japan T is the luxury pack and has leather heated seats and bose but only 17 inch wheels and no brembos. Version S is sports which I have and has 18 inch wheels, supposedly stiffer suspension and brembos but no leather or bose.ST has both and is equivalent to uk GT. So you either have a version T or a base model with added extras.
  5. and it looks EXACTLY like he used to look with it as well!
  6. 5 mins from my front door! Is the road to get up there still like a dogs dinner?
  7. Exactly! Keith Lemon being another of my faves!
  8. Just try it and see how you get on would be my advice. Do take the nutritional advice seriously though. Since i've been cooking for one I more or less cut out red meat without even realising it. I just started eating what i preferred to eat and wasn't cooking big family meals anymore and that meant i just never ate red meat. It only really dawned on me when i went to the doctors after fainting a couple of times and finding out my iron was low. I still hardly ever eat red meat, not by choice just because the things i eat the most just don't contain it. Let us know how you get on!
  9. I agree - what's the big deal? I don't care who he is, he plays the part well. I think its a shame that because of the secrecy clause he can't rake extra money in doing books, talks and other stuff like the rest of the regular presenters do. It doesn't seem fair when he's an integral part of the show.
  10. Get him sent over weekend of the 11/12 to assist three helpless females and a gay move house.......... Should be a right laugh if we actually manage to lift anything into the van between us!
  11. The first and last quarter always seem to vanish the fastest as well!
  12. I can't believe i just had to check what day it is........that should tell you something! It would be nice if the less you put in the more miles you got though! I average about 8-9km per litre. 10 - 11 on long motorway drives.
  13. OMG did he make you sit on his expensive chair as well! Ask him about his remote control lamp............
  14. God that's way to confusing for a wednesday morning.........
  15. Who's markie? One of those gay friends every girl should have!
  16. nixy


    Where's the dictionary thread..........
  17. Love the yellow! Glad you got it without graphics. Looks gorgeous.
  18. Looks really good - i remember seeing one on Tim's car but then his baby was in the garage 99 percent of the time! I wouldn't want to have to take it on and off every day but definitely handy for if you go on hols or anything.
  19. Gosh, congrats! I didn't actually realise YOU were out of nappies yet!
  20. So sorry to hear this Mitch - just when you seemed to be happy as well! It's very scary when you've had a bad experience because you're just waiting for the next one to turn out the same! I'm sure you feel gutted at the moment but you'll be fine. I'm only a couple of weeks away from moving out of the house I own with my ex and into my place and you are more than welcome to come over any time to talk zeds, have a bitch and drink wine! I don't know what the night life is like in Market Weighton where i'm moving to but i think unless you want a farmer you might be out of luck........ I'll introduce you to Markie my GBF - that's the most uncomplicated type of fella to have around!
  21. That's really good news - I'm so pleased for you. My recent promotion has given me the vast sum of an extra £40 a month - not even a tank of petrol, and i've never worked so hard in my life! Having said that i've jumped on to the bottom of the next ladder so i will reap the rewards eventually............not to mention i have my 350z cool wall now i have my own office. Hope it all works out with your other half as well! Sounds like its been stressful!
  22. All i can say is i hope its to keep his feet warm and that he has a pair!
  23. do i need to scroll back through this to see what the sock is about or just leave it to my way too vivid imagination?
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