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Everything posted by nixy

  1. I just had an amendment on my policy and when the paperwork came i noticed a clause that i had not spotted before. It said that in the event of a total loss they would pay the cost of the car in the country it originated OR the UK equivalent whichever is the less. If my car was a total loss and they gave me the value that i could buy it for IN JAPAN, it may as well not be insured. It needs to be the value of buying an import in the UK. When I bought my car many moons ago it was £15k - only £11k ish of that was the purchase price in Japan because they are so cheap there - the rest was the other associated costs of importing etc. I'm estimating my car now in Japan would be worth about £5k! I am insured through Chris Knott and have put a PM in to Tim to ask him the question. If i'm reading that right then i'll need to cancel and go elsewhere. I would advise any import owners to go and check the small print on their policy!
  2. God i used to spend half my life making mix tapes! I'd stay up until the early hours recording music onto tapes - in the days when you had to listen to the complete track while you were recording it!! I loved it though! I still have bags full of tapes from the 80's and early 90's!
  3. I'll try and get her to pose in front of the wall of zeds in my office - it will be even funnier if she does look like him.........
  4. actually you might have a plan there! Putting the money in the bank and watching the prices drop and hunting out a new one would certainly keep you occupied Mark!
  5. I think some people have managed to cobble something together which still ends up with all the buttons in japanese. It's just not worth bothering. I had lots of stuff in my car that i just ripped out. A UK disc won't work in a jap unit - its NTSC not PAL.
  6. nixy

    Car Tax

    Its not a mistake. Up to last April any car including imports registered in the uk after 2006 had to pay the higher amount. They changed this to year of manufacture last April so the imports that got caught up in this had the price dropped. Unfortunately you are not due a refund. This has been covered tonnes on here!
  7. All i can say is, it suits you..........
  8. So sorry to hear this. Obviously your health is the most important thing. How attached to the car are you? I know that mine keeps a smile on my face and being able to drive it again when well would certainly be a motivating factor. How do you feel about it? I'd give yourself some time to think about it and whether the financial issue is a factor etc. I wish you all the best for a full recovery and please keep us all updated and let us give you some moral support or any other help you need.
  9. I bet she looks like that woman off the fosters advert where the guy wants to know if all women turn out to look like their mothers! I'll let you know! p.s - nice to know your first thoughts were all NISSAN related! NOT........
  10. Was the word HER not a giveaway you sexist pig?
  11. A lawyer from Nissan Brazil is coming to visit our office as part of some sort of exchange programme and to talk to my boss about public law. Do you think i should get her in my office to look at my 350z cool wall???
  12. You really do have some random ideas Hugh......... I already changed my name back to my maiden name by deedpoll so i didn't have to wait for the divorce - and I can get N11XY P so not sure what you mean by the second bit......
  13. When i took the pic it really did just look as if it said tossers - he must have done something with the D because it really looked like an o. Really funny though! I have a bit of dilema of my own with my plate. Mine is N11XY D - the D being for my surname which was Duffy until I kicked my husband into touch and changed my surname back. I can get N11XY P BUT that would mean just GIVING the DVLA my current plate back as who would want to buy it? If anyone knows anyone that would like it and just pay the transfer fee i would rather let them have it for free! (That is when I can afford the other one.........)
  14. I saw this one last week - shame you can barely make it out from my camera pic. See if you can read it!
  15. nixy

    Wheel Arch Liner

    Doing my new job as PA to Mike (he can't get online at the mo) to ask for the following: Passenger side wheel arch lining - its in two pieces and he just needs the front section. (i'll let him tell you all about his quote from Nissan for the full repair.................)
  16. And whatever you do - the worse and most fatal thing of all is to make ANY spelling errors.......... sounds like a simple bit of advice but honestly - check, check and check again!
  17. Or to **** it up depending on what mood we're in........... do feel free to email me it when you've done it so I can give it the once over if you like.
  18. You're a cheeky sod! What version are you using? I'm just getting to grips with the office 7 version at work. It's not that difficult when you know how........I'd love to have the time to do it for you but shout if you get stuck on anything in particular. One tip - if you're putting any sort of logo etc on ALL of the slides - use the slide master which does it for the whole lot in one go.
  19. I got that on a facebook update last week - it's pretty cool! (p.s i still hate your avatar........)
  20. Thanks for the change of avatar Dave - that ones much better!
  21. Craig - if you have a club calendar just change it to September! Awesome write up - a fantastic achievement, you must have the patience of a saint!
  22. How did i guess you'd be the bloody expert! Why don't you just offer your services - a bit like a wedding planner.
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