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Everything posted by nixy

  1. You know what Vik - maybe i will! I have quite an interesting OLD photo of me - it's the current ones i struggle with, i have about one which my facebook friends from here have seen anyway. Maybe it's time I had a change of personality, this one doesn't seem to be working very well!
  2. Hope you have a lovely day x
  3. gosh, quite a few of us yorkshire folk around now! It's not you i've slated for not waving because you haven't had yours long enough! Get yoruself over to Malton tomorrow morning for the meet up at Specialist Cars Porsche dealer - should be good.
  4. The weather will probably have some bearing on it! Also the getting out of bed time............
  5. Thanks guys. Think I WILL go down the freeview+ box route as I'm not bothered about extra channels, just want to be able to record and HD is a bit like emperors new clothes to me.......
  6. viewtopic.php?f=85&t=41674&hilit=pistonheads It's a morning meet. I believe it's a porsche dealer on the trading estate on the opposite side to Malton BMW which is literally just off the A64 slip road to Malton. I think a few people are meeting at the highwayman cafe on the way but parking could be tight there.
  7. Yes that's me! Do you mean YOU come in off the A59? I'm usually on the ring road nearish to Clifton Moor and I think (if it was you) you waved to me once near Copmanthorpe when I was on my way home? If you do a search in the spotted section you'll probaby see me slagging you off for not waving! I work on Shipton Road off the A19 roundabout.
  8. Hey - whereabouts in York are you? I regularly wave at a black import with a private reg starting H but don't often get a wave back! We do have Yorkshire meets now and then and a few of us are going to a pistonheads meet at Malton on Sunday.
  9. £300 is more than i want so spend - not bothered about HD - it doesn't really make a massive difference that i can notice although I know the HD lovers disagree! I suppose it does make sense to pay up front for something you're not tied into though - if i go with sky on min package i'm not bothered about the extra channels and the box is useless if you don't subscribe.....although after a year i would still have the dish and could then get a freesat box i suppose for recording...........mmm never thought of that......... I also hate the way Sky put random things in packages to make you 'need' them. I wanted eurosport for the bike racing - where have they put that you ask? In the news package!
  10. I can't decide whether to go with sky on the minimum package per month and use sky plus or to go down another route. I have TV's upstairs and downstairs which are HD ready with freeview built in. I don't have pots of money and as I've only just moved i'm not sure what my monthly commitments will settle at just yet before the bills start coming in. Not sure what to do for the best - I just want to be able to do similar as I could before with sky plus i.e. pause rewind and record TV or a whole series - preferably with dual tuners so i can record two things at once. I'm finding it all a bit of a minefield with freeview + boxes, hard drive recorders, Freesat etc. I don't have a dish at the new house so freesat worked out quite expensive to set up. Any advice?
  11. I still need to sort out my import insurance problem with Chris Knott but haven't got around to it yet with one thing and another...........
  12. My car was actually filthy and still is - can't get my outside tap to work....... guess i need to buy a watering can for now.
  13. You'll have to ask him about the donation! And Dave - I am putting THAT picture on my front door to deter unwanted callers! It's not getting anywhere near my toilet area!
  14. Thats gonna come back and bite you on the backside isn't it??? you pillock! Well done though!
  15. Thanks Keith - you're high up on my list of people who have given me advice and support in the last couple of years and i'm really grateful. And Martin my kettle is always on! That goes for anyone who wants to come and scare my new neighbours! edit: Dave - what bloody picture!!?
  16. I'm actually going to have a zed dedicated 'fun' downstairs loo so Beavis will finally achieve his ambition of REALLY appearing on my toilet wall!
  17. Lots of you know how my situation has been for the last couple of years - separated from my husband but sharing a house while renovating it and then trying to sell it. He finally agreed to buy me out in May this year and after the most stressful few weeks of my life I finally moved into my own place on Saturday. It's quite daunting and a bit scary being on my own but hopefully its the start of a new chapter in my life. Thanks to everyone who has offered help and support to me over the past couple of difficult years. I still have a long way to go but things can only get better now. I also wanted to thank Sarnie who sorted out my mortgage in the space of about 10 days! He found me an excellent deal and dealt with everything quickly and professionally and I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a mortgage or remortgage.
  18. The worse news you could ever get on a car forum. As a mum myself my heart goes out to the families involved.
  19. It's four years today since I joined this forum. It's been a great experience and i've met some brilliant people, made some amazing friends (and one special friend......), had lots of advice and help and enjoyed my car a lot more because of all that. So thanks again to everyone for making this place what it is!
  20. 4 smilies on one page! Is Andlid taking over where Mark left off?
  21. I'm sure it had something to do with Larry going to a brothel.......
  22. OMG yes i remember Larry! My dad had it on his PC! I seem to remember it being a bit dodgy............
  23. Excellent choice Malcolm - looks great. I bet Atkins gave you the full James Bond service!
  24. Yes they placed me with Highway. It's not a Chris Knott problem as such, they are just the broker, it's the company they have put me with. Are you with Highway?
  25. yes if you want to go and live in Japan!
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