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Everything posted by nixy

  1. I have just got Take That tickets for May 30th - can you give me a bit of space around that when you organise the Wales run in May because it will be an expensive month for me!
  2. I had Talk Talk a few years ago and they were so dire i went back to BT. When i moved house i thought they might have got their act together and were cheaper than BT so I gave them a ring. They said because of my rural location it would cost me £35 a month for broadband (at least a tenner more than my BT packagage). I tried to explain that i had moved from the middle of nowhere where the telephone exchange is a shed and onto a housing estate in a small town but they didn't want to know and said ANY provider would charge me the same because of being rural. I just went back to BT in the end and have since found out that the previous owner of my new 'rural' house on an estate were with Talk Talk at £19 a month! Total Muppets!
  3. Looks cosy! I'm sure you'll both be very happy together! p.s Al - get your hair cut before you turn into another Nicky Clarke lookalike like Martin!
  4. i wouldn't mind a KA as long as it worked! Nobody else will be in it anyway!
  5. nixy

    Baffling spec

    Mm, sounds nearer towards an ST than anything but could be an S which has been spec'd up.
  6. Now that avatar has gone i can sleep again at night!
  7. And i think you should call it Dinky! Dinky Datsun!
  8. I absolutely LOVE that Stan! Although I do have to say something about starting another job before you've finished the last one........two.........three.........
  9. Just look out for anything 'blinking red'
  10. I don't know much about this kind of thing but I would imagine it would be far more cost and hassle for them having to contest for a measly grand than actually receiving it! No doubt you will have to be written to by solicitors etc etc and it could go on forever! Just make sure you don't employ anyone to do your side of things as it's pointless you spending money on it but hopefully will cost them a fortune! Tossers!
  11. Not sure you'd be able to tell whether i was male or female from my childhood pics anyway! Just trying to find a suitable one................
  12. What exactly are you trying to say.......I'm wooden and slightly leaning? Anyway that's your outside loo isn't it Mike?
  13. Clearly a hater to start off with who felt cheated by having to drive a Nissan instead of a Porsche! It's not like we need to bother paying attention to a review from someone like that, we've got plenty of sound experience here and options of trying for ourselves!
  14. Mmm, that's just put the cat amongst the pigeons! Thanks. My baby has just hit 49k miles now - i'll cry when it gets to 50k probably!
  15. That looks like a whole heap of trouble! And by the way - i do actually need a SHED as well! It's killing me not having my car in the garage because of the mower, bike, tools etc........
  16. My round trip commute is 60 miles of mixed driving. I'm not sure now, i think i'm scaring myself! I don't have a lot of spare cash and I wouldn't really be able to afford repairs - it would have to have an MOT and then just drive it until it died. Then I think that in a ten week period I spend at least £600 on fuel and I think again!
  17. TBH i don't care what it is as long as it has a bit of life left in it and doesn't cost an arm and a leg to insure.
  18. Oh, i thought this was going to be a post about MY xmas present! Clearly not! I have a 3 year old Nephew and he loves the Gruffallo but you're not bothered about that so I'll ask my sister what the worse thing is I could possibly get him and let you know! He does like bashing the place up with a light sabre though....
  19. Knowing some of the problems you've had in the past and what you are dealing with I would just say get the hell out of there and don't look back! Put a few unmentionables down your dodgy loo first though..........
  20. very nice - get you're exhaust tips polished and you've got a cracker there. (and yes, best colour)
  21. not thinking about batting for the other side JUST yet.............
  22. don't want to get anything dirty - i love cars but cleaning and oil checking is about my limit! You'd never find a focus for a few hundred quid. My brother sent me a message to say i should avoid diesel as a slightly knackered petrol engine will keep going but a slightly knackered diesel is a nightmare - is that right?
  23. I'm seriously considering buying a second car. Now i'm living properly on my own I can't rely on nicking my son's civic when I need to fit something in the boot from B&Q, i'd like something my parents can run around in when they visit from France and also I just need to make some savings on the huge amount of fuel i use on my daily commute. I have around £500 and have been told that a pug 306 diesel is the best bet - this must be true because they fly out when you see them up for sale on PH etc! My main worry is getting something that ends up breaking down half way to work so i need something fairly bulletproof although I don't care what it looks like. Am I better off only looking at diesels? We will be talking high milers. Advice appreciated as always.
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