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Everything posted by nixy

  1. Just noticed today that Limewire has been taken down - got a rather scary message on my laptop when i logged onto it1! Another one bites the dust!
  2. er thanks Colin! And no Matt did NOT clean mine! Yes I was at Malton - it was freezing but blue sky and dry so pretty perfect really! I posted on PH afterwards so yes that's me too. Wales is an absolute MUST!
  3. nixy


    If anyone hears of any Rays for sale in decent condition can they give me a shout. I think my recent wheel mashing is a sign they need to go...........
  4. Hi there - nice to have another Yorkshire person on board. Wales in May is the biggie as a club but we all do lots of other stuff too. Did you go to the pistonheads big breakfast meet at Malton the other week? Which of our members did you get the car off?
  5. I've been thinking about this.....maybe you should wait until xmas.......
  6. nixy


    Thanks Andy - helpful as ever!
  7. nixy


    oh thanks Keith!
  8. That's great news Rob! Congrats to you both. Glad Becca got through it ok - make sure you look after her!
  9. nixy


    oh no Malcolm - i really wanted them and would have driven with two hands definitely!
  10. nixy


    I nearly did but kitchen mods in my new house have won the money! I could probably stretch to some second hand rays if some came up - i'll keep my eyes peeled.........
  11. nixy


    It's not a very good blackberry pic - its got nice stringy bits of metal dangling off...........Anyone got a set of Rays they want to sell me?
  12. nixy

    fuel costs

    but who has more fun?????
  13. nixy


    it was more of whack and bounce off...........
  14. What a top bloke! Car cover looks a good fit for a Halfrauds job! Shame you have to give it back!
  15. nixy


    The picture below shows you why you shouldn't drive too fast in the wrong gear in the pouring rain around a bend on a country road that has the only bit of kerb for miles around, in the dark with only one hand on the steering wheel.......... And thanks to Andy for sending me the youtube Harry Enfield clip of why women shouldn't drive. Yes I will stick to kittens and embroidery from now on!
  16. Maybe she's pranged it, covered it up and isn't coming back from Halifax!
  17. nixy

    fuel costs

    My daily commute is a 60 mile round trip in mixed driving conditions - queuing, driving at about 40 then a blast down the dual carriageway then country roads etc etc. Costs me at least £60 a week and that's if I don't use it for anything else.........Just been to Tesco AGAIN this morning! Would get an evening bar job to pay for it before I parted with it though, its the best bit of my day!
  18. It must have been her! She's winding you up!
  19. nixy

    peugeot RCZ

    Looks quite good on the road, better from behind as a bit like any other pug from the front. I wouldn't have one because of a bad experience with a previous peugeot and I'm sure pretty soon they will be cheap as chips and lots about.
  20. Got a possible chance of a 1.3 fiesta. Mate of mine owns a garage and thinks he's getting it in as part ex - so watch this space!
  21. and show off his minging teeth!
  22. I had to send him a photo to get him to remove that avatar!
  23. Mine were a tad cheaper than that..........Stadium of Light - there's only so much you can charge people to go to Sunderland! (soz if you live there......)
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