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Everything posted by nixy

  1. You're gonna end up as glue if you don't pack it in!
  2. For a normal daily runabout I would say focus every time.
  3. This has really shocked me! I've spent the last 4 years telling people it's not weird having friends on the internet just to be proved completely wrong! You're all complete lunatics!
  4. Yes, i have to say it doesn't happen often - unless in very hilarious and bizarre circumstances........giddiup!
  5. Giddiup! Soz Vik had to put it somewhere with the other thread closed. Zedrush will be gutted he can't post in it!
  6. Happy birthday Michelle. Hope you have a fab fab fab night out on Saturday. See you a week on Sunday for operation Zed girls only!
  7. I actually agree with most of them myself despite it being OLD!
  8. Just ask them to bring back the success of marriage thread and you will see that everything you say is futile! Isn't that right Vik?
  9. yours will be easy to spot nixy. You started shaving at a early age didn't you Only my head!
  10. 4 pages and thats just of how you got hold of a copy! God I dread to think how many pages the thread will be when you've all got off your x-boxes to report back!
  11. oh dear.........thank god i will be at Yoga class! Although i'm guessing some will be easier than others!
  12. I was gonna get my son this for xmas but NO - he can't bloody wait that long! He can have socks instead then!
  13. It was brilliant last year - tbh i wouldn't be going again if i wasn't going to see that. Don't miss the classic car arena as in my opinion that's the better one!
  14. if someone bought me a 'snuggie' i would bloody kill them! do you really want to come home and find your girlfriend on the sofa wearing a blanket with arms in it! Best present I ever had (at the time) was a rear wiper motor for a golf GTI - but then I'm not your normal girl......... And yeah Martin - i just texted Liz so I'd get running if I were you!
  15. Mm, i have heard disappointing reports as well this year! I preferred the classic show last year.
  16. that reminds me of when my son started riding motorbikes and went round and round a roundabout trying to get his knee down! Think it was a standard car but not sure - plenty of sideways action.
  17. haha - the only time i've ever seen cushions in the back of a car there's usually a tartan blanket as well! Hideous!
  18. I was amazed at it really! Just flew! The guy is an ace driver though - has done rallying and racing and stuff a lot of years. There is a noise issue at Elvington because of the bloody NIMBY's and he got told off for tyre squeal! He wants me to drive it next time but i'm not sure!
  19. stick a normal plate over the holes - simples.
  20. Went to a track day today at Elvington and got taken out a few times in my mates MX5. What a bloody fun car for the track! Had a great time! Awesome little machine! Crash helmet was slightly snug and my mate had to pull it off for me! After that went for a tyre kicking session of AndySpak's new caymen. Really nice! Had a drive in it and was really impressed - lovely gear box! Very trusting of him after what I did to my wheel earlier this week!
  21. going Saturday but I've heard the tickets for the actual top gear show are sold out - not sure if that's right or not.
  22. Going to a track day tomorrow afternoon to be flung around Elvington airfield with my mates husband in his MX5 track car. He mentioned that a couple of guys with a zed were going - anyone from here? If not rest assured i'll be covering their car in spotted cards!
  23. Going to MPH and Top Gear Live next weekend. Anyone else going?
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