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Everything posted by nixy

  1. That's my personal annoyance as well. People who have no idea about RWD and think you are just driving slow for some bizarre reason......... Or like the other day YET AGAIN - someone putting mascara on in the rear view mirror while creeping up to the back of your car not looking where they are going.......ugh.....
  2. nixy


    Well I never knew it was re-post............so
  3. she'll catch her death! Needs wellies and a club fleece!
  4. I couldn't agree more - once i got to the main road, no problem - in fact less of a problem because of all the wimps that stayed at home! I live 30 miles from work yet there's people staying at home that live way closer. A flake of snow and the whole country grinds to a halt!
  5. sorry i missed your birthday - hope you had a nice one!
  6. Well having spent the last 3 years with the zed living out in the sticks, untreated country roads for five miles, people up your backside in their range rovers who don't appreciate you're in a RWD but I survived..........now i've moved onto a big new housing estate and i'm thinking this will be so much better - how wrong could i be??? Black ice, cars parked everywhere like skittles, corners to negotiate, bends, uphill to get out of the estate and then downhill to the main road.....nightmare. But what really pee'd me off was the fact that the last bit is a nasty sharp bend going up hill so you have no choice but to press the gas - the council have kindly placed a big grit container there. Has anyone who lives near that container put grit on the corner? NO have they hell! When i lived in a village everyone gritted on the bends where the council had left grit. So looks like a girl who lives at the other end of the estate is going to have to park on the hill and shovel the grit while the people in the big houses on the corner watch out of the window!
  7. Thanks guys - only ever had TG for the calendar but have always liked EVO - not looked at the other one but will check it out!
  8. Which of these is the best magazine? I prefer the ones that have more info on the most amazing supercars rather than a load of hot hatches so which is best? I'm thinking of getting a subscription for xmas. (I always buy top gear mag at xmas for the awesome calendar)
  9. Oh hell! You'll have to stick to the corsa until brother comes back off hols! Don't go to the stealers!
  10. we know someone else who had a punto and she's now a super hero megastar so it's all good!
  11. my only 'dislike' with my zed - no clock on the pod on imports - clock in the head unit. Changed my head unit to Alpine Ipod unit - NO CLOCK on there either!!!
  12. Don't forget to leave your normal seatbelt in as well in case you have any lady passengers wearing a dress......as I found out when I went for a spin in a friend's GT3RS the other day.........
  13. nixy

    Road Tax

    Unfortunately not! It just applies on the next renewal! Good that they decided to apply some common sense to this though.
  14. nixy

    Road Tax

    This his been covered zillions of times! But in a nutshell - imports had to pay the higher rate if they were registered in UK after 2006. Some (*cough*) got away with it by some weird anomaly where they were classed differently probably because someone at the DVLA didn't know what the hell a fairlady was - for example, mine said zero for emissions....... THEN last April they decided to scrap that altogether and do the right thing and change it to the year of manufacture so any pre 2006 zed pays a lower rate. Does that make sense?
  15. It's ok Dave - at the moment there is something that sticks out beyond the appliances by about 4 inches and its soft and squishy. You can't see it in the pic but i literally crawl up to it until i just feel the back of the car touch it. Gonna sort a tennis ball on string so that I know when i'm almost up to it!
  16. Hired! (your wages paid in cups of tea)
  17. erm, no.......what would I do in there? I might break a finger nail!
  18. I need to get some shelving and stuff to make best use of the space and also some carpet on the wall at the driver's side but yes i'm really pleased its back under cover again!
  19. Basically I need a shed for the bits and bobs i have in the garage but good old Markie helped me squish them all to the back of the garage and then we covered all the sticky out bits with soft stuff. Reversed the car in and after about 3 goes he fit. You really can't tell from the pic as the perspective is all wrong but there is about an inch at the back of the car and an inch at the front as the roller door shuts inside the garage. I have to keep my hand on it to make sure it doesn't touch the car! Now off hunting a tennis ball and piece of string........ (oh and a shed!)
  20. Oh that is such brilliant news - I'm really really pleased for you! Take it steady though - and look after yourself!
  21. did you know you can tell a horses age by its teeth?
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