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Everything posted by nixy

  1. Pulled up next to a nice Kuro at the roundabout A64 Leeds/York turn off. Big wave which is always nice. Wasn't in the clio for once as it was a nice dry day.
  2. I have a switch like that with a red led on it - on my car it's the switch they added for the fog light.
  3. Prepping her Zed for the show season of course, takes a lot of effort keeping our cars looking good I wish! Yes it is clean and in the garage but still looking the same with the old kerbed alloys etc..... The thing is Fee - that's probably TRUE! Can't leave you alone too long with all this lot to keep in line Vik! Someone's bound to need a good
  4. Hi Malcolm I've had a few things going on lately - thought it was time I reappeared...........
  5. wait until you next see him - you're in for a shock!
  6. I hate to say this but most of the time when I see something bad I think i bet it's a bloody woman driver....... Obviously there are good and bad out there but you generally find that the hesitant, dithering, getting in the wrong lane etc are women or old people and the over ambitious, too fast, reckless are blokes. And don't get me started on applying make up and doing your hair in the rear view mirror..........
  7. Nice one Al. My little clio diesel is saving me a fortune on fuel. Put £54 in a couple of weeks ago and hit 504 miles tonight and still no petrol warning light on. I have had to take my zed to work once or twice recently though even if the weather's crap - just to cheer me up and make me smile.
  8. would be interesting to do some quotes based on the fact you CAN put you have xx years no claims if it was protected but also have to declare your accident, then do a quote with zero no claims and declare your accident - see what the difference is?
  9. I got this last year - a nice snow patrol track if i remember correctly but I still haven't watched the 'lesbian vampire killers' film that was free...........
  10. Best of luck - evo 10 is amazing. I love them in white - like a seriously mean storm trooper!
  11. Bad luck. Hope you get it sorted. Insurance companies must be saving a packet - all the nice people paying themselves rather than claiming! Do think in this case you should use your insurance though. The thing about protected no claims is that you still have to declare the claim when you renew your policy so I never really understand what it's worth (even though I have it).
  12. nixy

    My new car......

    No they wouldn't Martin! I wonder if it's because of the actual insurer they provide? Both my policies are with Highway as that was the cheapest. I guess I'm going to have to revisit the whole thing when I get chance. And what's really wrong about that is - if i have an accident in it I bet i'll lose the no claims on the zed! They want it both ways i reckon!
  13. nixy

    My new car......

    Still here Malcolm! Just been so so busy with work - it means I have to actually WORK when i'm in my office - bad times! Decided to give myself a little treat today!
  14. nixy

    My new car......

    Thanks Darren i'll check that out. They really do take your eyes out! I asked them if in that case the insurance on zed would be lower as i can't drive both cars at once.............but no! In fact because i've moved from the sticks and onto an estate it's gone up!!!
  15. nixy

    My new car......

    Mm, i must admit i was in a hurry and phoned the broker (Chris Knott) who said I had to have two separate policies. It really bumped it up! No doubt there will be a hefty cancellation charge if i start shopping around now! To complicate matters the zed is an import. I'll have to investigate further!
  16. My zed is tucked up in the garage - havent had chance to clean it thoroughly yet and can't wait to do that before I tuck it back in bed! This is my new car. It's diesel and I'm very happy with it, was a bargain. The only bummer is the insurance i.e not being able to use my no claims which bumps it up. Anyone got any advice on cheaper insurance when you own two cars?
  17. nixy

    Snow socks

    do winter tyres really make a significant difference?
  18. My zed is still stuck on my estate. I feel so bad not getting to work because the main roads are actually ok but i just can't get up a hill to get out of here! Hoping to get a lift in tomorrow after I've walked into town in my wellies!
  19. God I had to look at this to see what on earth Mike could possibly be getting praise for! Might have known it would be grub!
  20. so sorry that you and your family are having to face this. As Mark said, sometimes the words and thoughts of strangers can help. It's a scary thing for a young man like you to see the person they have looked up to and relied on feeling vulnerable and afraid. Try your best to stay strong and please do come and vent your feelings here whenever you like, we will all be here for you.
  21. went out yesterday in North Yorks with a friend who has a nice big 4wd. Very very pretty and like driving through a xmas card! Collecting my zed and driving the rest of the way home was not much fun.........I was useless at even getting up a slip road on a slight slope. Couldn't even open the doors this morning.
  22. main roads here are fine - however i am trapped in the deepest depths of my estate.............and i've only got half a pint of milk left!
  23. how cool is your avatar matt? Just noticed that!
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