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Everything posted by nixy

  1. That would be really useful - don't let the other cooks in the kitchen while you do that though!
  2. I cleared mine at work several times and still no joy. Funniest thing was Martin sending me a PM - what bloody use was that? One observation though - there is no facility on this site (i don't think) to contact an admin etc if you're not logged in. SO, if I hadn't have had Mart's number to text him and receive his reply ('chris has been meddling' ) I couldn't have reported a problem to anyone on the site. Some sort of admin email address would be useful.
  3. Well I have an entire bedroom devoted to dressing table, cosmetics and shoes (no bed in it). It does have a zed model and picture if that counts! Zed has his own man room outside.
  4. Yeah I can see you all now with your bloody aprons on meddling!
  5. I use latest IE at work. Am on IE now on lap top as well but a lower version I think.
  6. Well the forum is well and truly busted on my work PC. Logged on with laptop now which is fine. I did all the things as per instructions on work PC but it's kaput. Probably just as well - should be actually working I suppose! Now somebody needs to cut Chris's fingers off!
  7. Remember when you lot ventured onto the M3 forum (I think) to tease poor Mark was it? Wish I could find that one....
  8. Missed that first time around - you cruel sods!
  9. yeah but she got deleted, 'mare's' the pity!
  10. Oh I am going to have to get thinking now!
  11. Yeah that was a good one! We have gone so OT now we could start a thread with all our old faves in but then you'd probably have to 'green room' it.
  12. But not as gay as it used to be . Louis where are you? viewtopic.php?f=13&t=12465&hilit=tight+lycra+shorts&start=0 Oh Dave you have made my night! PMSL! Those were the days eh? I nearly posted in the thread just to revive it again but everyone would wonder who the hell Louis was now! I've heard he's hanging around with his namesake Louis Spence nowadays!
  13. god it's as gay as ever on here still............
  14. amusing as ever Liam I couldn't bring myself to sell it, I've never been attached to a car like I am with this one. It's not practical, it's not cheap to run, I've just spent £7k on my rented property so things are tight but I love her, she makes me happy, she makes me proud and to see someone driving off in her would break my heart. Think most of us on here can relate to that. God Chris - Gwyneth Paltrow would be proud of that little speech! Thank god I've got some tissues!
  15. Martin you loon! haha. Having stayed with you and Liz at your house I can definitely say the heels suited you but the handbag was a bit crap!
  16. I'm with you on that one Dave - i don't smoke, rarely go out drinking, don't spend fortunes on shoes and handbags so any spare pennies go in the fuel tank - god how sad and boring am I?
  17. Oh wow that's a beauty Tim! You got a shirt to go with that?
  18. He's well and truly made his bed then! Serves him right!
  19. If we're talking 'retro' rather than vintage then for me it's the Escort MkII and the capri. As a kid saturday night watching Bodie and Doyle and thinking 'one day I'll have a car like that' says it all!
  20. Don't get me wrong - I would MUCH rather be in my zed every day but when you compare £70 a week to get to work against £25 you can see my thought process...........Having said that i will be in it on EVERY dry day regardless of the cost in summer I suppose!
  21. Dave do you EVER go anywhere special or do you wear a Tux in the Casino?
  22. I remembered WHY I bought my zed. Nice sunny day (despite the odd puddle or two). Went for a blast this afternoon down country roads to the gym, only half an hour each way but loved every minute. Since I've started commuting in my little diesel getting in the zed feels fab and I miss it like crazy when I'm not in it! I'm not normally one for driving around on my own on a weekend but I just might have to take it up I enjoyed it so much! Can't believe I've had this car four years in June - longest EVER I have owned a car which says a lot!
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