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Everything posted by nixy

  1. what does all that mean then? I have to have a thatcham approved on mine for the insurance as it's an import - is this going to affect me?
  2. Its on the todo list I have one of those on my desk too - it's appreciated that yours is a list you don't get paid to 'tick off' and not everything always goes to plan!
  3. yep, that's what I had to do - be a guest.......and also like I mentioned before no way of contacting admin with a problem if you're not actually logged on.
  4. After today's news are you sure it's not that they think you're a girl?
  5. I always thought having your car garaged helped cut insurance premiums?? Quite the opposite, there was a £100 difference between saying my Z4 and now 350Z was parked on the road and not in a locked garage. Bizarre! One thing to definitely note is that if you tell your insurer your car is garaged at your premises then you MUST put it in the garage or inform them that it may occasionally not be. Doesn't cost anymore but they need to know.
  6. So sad and such a waste - heartfelt condolences.
  7. Is that a 'village people' weekend away?
  8. I think they should settle it Harry Hill style - Mike in an incredibles outfit and Liam dressed in a giant sardine suit - FIGHT!
  9. +1 - you just get used to it. I go as far to the left as possible and have a piece of carpet where my door opens. I have stuff at the back of the garage which is covered in padding and I have to reverse until i'm 'just' touching it and then close the roller door with my fingers behind to make sure the car is far enough back - but worth it and you do just get used to it.
  10. Oh that one cheered me up Stew! I'm going to have a trawl through when I get in tonight - there must be so many more. Happy times!
  11. Was just going to say that - my mate has one for track use only and took me out in it a few months ago for a few laps - was great fun.
  12. did someone delete the last bit or have you just re-read the da whip thread?
  13. We haven't had any nutters for ages now - it's really disappointing!
  14. I think they both have a trained gerbil that sits on the keyboard saying hello to every newbie!
  15. I rest my case (the fact that Liz has yet to learn how to operate a mobile probably gets you off the hook )
  16. Not been around for a while and I'm shocked and stunned to see that Mr Incredible is only 3 behind the famous title holder Mr Sardine!!! Bring it on!
  17. yeah yeah - you think i've forgotten how to set your wife on you?
  18. Oh heck - I have just spent my lunch half hour laughing my head off! Those were the days when we were up until all hours taking the p...........
  19. You bloody little star Keith! First time i've got it to work on here in 2 days!
  20. feels so much better though already being able to leave work in daylight. Won't be long - hang in there!
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