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Everything posted by nixy

  1. Good point - tyres weren't probably that warm to be honest and the outside temp was very low again. You're not happy if you're not sliding around anyway! My cars are always boys!
  2. Civic Type R Pug 206cc X type Jag (don't ask.....) Golf GTI 3 Series BMW That's the last five - many more before that - have had 8 black cars alone!
  3. That's pretty gutting to see - I can imagine how you felt when you did that.......
  4. yeah Dave you might get attacked my a zanussi for example!
  5. Fed up so treated myself to a whole week driving the zed to cheer myself up. I've had the zed getting on for four years and have never had any of the usual problems of losing the back end etc that many of you have it's always felt solid as a rock and I don't drive too mad which is probably why. This week though it's been strange - overtaking someone last night on a straight and lost the back end badly as I accelerated away, seriously thought I was going to bin it but recovered, then again this morning pulling out of a junction, gas pedal, not too fast and back end gone. Never happened to me before unless on ice etc and never that bad. Only did tyre pressures at weekend so it's not that and i've got good tread. Ruined my drive to work this morning as I scared myself into driving like a granny! Maybe the zed's cross with me for buying a clio diesel.......
  6. I agree with the whole thing about stopping uninsured drivers but if it applies to SORN vehicles as well that's just bonkers.
  7. Sorry if this is a repost - heard on the news yesterday that you are now going to have to get insurance for every car you own regardless of whether it's on the road or not. So i'm assuming that even if you have a car for track only, or some sort of project, or you have something SORN and tucked away - you will STILL be getting your eyes taken out by the insurance companies! Anyone else hear this and is it correct?
  8. ^^^^^^^^ my personal fave Mine has to be buying a suzuki vitara soft top fat boy thing with all the chrome bits - handled like a sponge cake! Soon got rid of it though!
  9. I got a call yesterday from the BT engineer to say 'im outside your house'. Interesting, because I was at work and nobody had bothered to make an appointment with me or let me know they needed access!
  10. Well done! You'd never hack it if you got lost down there without a phrase book Al!
  11. No just the one's that are on the tube when I am! Suppose you get used to it if you live there and have to do it but damn its hot down there in summer!
  12. looking at that fried my brain!
  13. haha very good - little sod, i'd have grounded her for EVER!
  14. On the odd occassion i've had the 'pleasure' of visiting my london office I have found the tube to be boiling hot and crammed full of miserable sweaty southerners........it's horrendous in summer! I'm geographylexic and try to avoid going on my own but i could probably just about navigate it. If you get an oyster card you can just top it up and whiz through all the barriers without buying a ticket.
  15. I'm having issues with BT now - phone not broadband. TWICE i logged a fault as my phone will not take incoming calls. Twice they have cleared the fault as 'resolved' without even contacting me first. I complained a THIRD time and said to them 'why don't you RING my number and you will see the problem!!' Currently they are dealing with fault log number three - still can't get calls to my landline but you guessed it - still got my bill for the month despite not being able to use the damn phone! Useless!
  16. Missed that one at the time - very funny! (and yeah, apart from the tash - Beavis is just like that!)
  17. Who says I dont get paid for it. Sure the forum doesnt pay for it, but I do quite a lot of it in office hours I take it all back then!
  18. I will have to have a check on my finances nearer the time but might be up for this as my team mate Vik is going and not seen her in AGES!
  19. I didn't know whether to laugh or phone the RSPCA - or whether I found it as disturbing as doogyrev's.......
  20. totally OT but Ian - your avatar!
  21. dunno, but being a woman will Tell me about it! Moving out of a village and onto an estate didn't help either!
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