Fed up so treated myself to a whole week driving the zed to cheer myself up. I've had the zed getting on for four years and have never had any of the usual problems of losing the back end etc that many of you have it's always felt solid as a rock and I don't drive too mad which is probably why. This week though it's been strange - overtaking someone last night on a straight and lost the back end badly as I accelerated away, seriously thought I was going to bin it but recovered, then again this morning pulling out of a junction, gas pedal, not too fast and back end gone. Never happened to me before unless on ice etc and never that bad. Only did tyre pressures at weekend so it's not that and i've got good tread. Ruined my drive to work this morning as I scared myself into driving like a granny! Maybe the zed's cross with me for buying a clio diesel.......