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Everything posted by nixy

  1. at his age he probably qualifies for TWO BMW's!
  2. and off the top of my head that's half the moderating team, malcolm, keith and many more driving a 7 series.... Clearly they were dribbling in a corner somewhere and didn't notice!
  3. Er, you need at least 3,500 posts before you can upset the sprinkles if you don't mind!
  4. Get a magnetic one fitted - that's what I had to do at the last house!
  5. I use camskills and then get a local tyre man with a van to fit them - he's really good.
  6. is that a kitten I also spy Mart? When did you get that?
  7. I always finish drying with quick detailer or aqua wax as well so anything like that just runs off.
  8. That's terrible! How can someone who does that day in day out for a living do that! Its written on the bloody tyre for god's sake!
  9. Well done and welcome to the world of 'horizon scanning' 'blue sky thinking' 'risk management' 'managing change' and my current favourite 'hot wash' ????????? It's all a load of old clap trap. Not to mention the endless 'working parties' to decide which type of paperclip to use....... Enjoy!
  10. Won't be camping.........well if Markie came yes but not in a 'tent' way! Will see how things are nearer the time but would be nice to see some of the scottish peeps again.
  11. nixy

    Uh oh!

    even I completetly forget to look in the green room now - so used to being 'spoon fed' the latest stuff rather than go looking for it.
  12. Me and Fee got there about 2 and parked right at the very back - didn't see you though or a modded one. Did you see all the strangely dressed young girls there?
  13. Couldn't live with it as a daily driver like that but will look really nice on the track!
  14. Me and Fee met today and spotted another sunset in the car park near to us. Left a card. When we came back it had gone and a nice white Audi R8 was parked in the same place - right near a load of spikey branches!
  15. Misery guts Mine's erm.......nemo
  16. I work on the tills at Tesco............
  17. i did have an incident with a kerb but that was a while ago now but might be worth getting it checked - I always think its worth doing once in a while anyway. What a pair we are Fee!
  18. Happy birthday Sarah have a fab day.
  19. Especially when you're side by side with a truck at the time yeah you're right there!
  20. As in the full Monty because of the music or was the drummer actually called Monty?
  21. You must be kidding - I wish I didn't have to change them as often as I do!
  22. +1 BUT this is also a problem. As all the pikie will do is declare their car as SORN. No one will come around to check, only ANPR will catch you, but thats the same as at the moment, only ANPR will catch you for having no insurance. Its just moving the problem, not solving it. They need to go around the streets and take all cars that are driving but have had no insurance or tax for more than a month and crush em I agree Chris - not having insurance is no biggie to the people they are aiming this at as they usually don't have tax, mot or the car in their name anyway!
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