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Everything posted by nixy

  1. ah shame! But if that's the case then i'm relieved! You won't be able to miss me - I'll be the one beating up scottish Jay...........
  2. See you sometime tomorrow afternoon guys - been a while! Will Martin have given up smoking and whisky? Will Chesterfield be able to carry more than two burgers at once? Will doogyrev look like his avatar?..........all these questions and more will be answered!
  3. I thought doogy's avatar was the most scary until now............
  4. Stew - gross........ at first I thought you meant 'everything for anything' then I read it.......
  5. Can't believe you let them sit on your bonnet! Just looking at the bracelet etc on the hand on your paintwork! Not to mention number 2 looks like she might leave a dent......
  6. 91: Me - stealing Martin and Liz's house and feeding the cat........Might come in my clio to Make Al feel better!
  7. yeah I got in trouble with mine - was a right pain. No fine but got a vehicle defect notice and had to go to all the hassle of new plates and getting it signed off by an MOT station and then posted back to the police etc etc. £30 would have been easier! Kept them legal ever since as it just put me on edge when ever I saw a traffic car and couldn't be doing with the hassle.
  8. Don't need to - mines stuck in the same place! Glad I used velcro now i've got another one to put on! Edit: too fast for me! Yes that's the one - not seen it in AGES!
  9. We haven't had advice on front number plate positioning for a while - where's that picture?
  10. I do have a plan in mind for the rest of the box.........
  11. I think that's a cracking plate for a Ninja! Surprised it wasn't worth anything!
  12. Stick it on my motorbike if you want Nic! Well you know how fond I am of the Ninja! Especially orange! But would you really want N11 XYD on your bike?
  13. well i had no clue about wasabi so threw a HANDFUL of the evil things in my mouth like you would peanuts. I was stood in front of the sink thinking do I spit them out or not! Gross.
  14. He's well known for his schizophrenic chats alone in there!
  15. I've not been on here for ages but noticed that Andlid is STILL in the chatroom alone! What is it - the naughty corner?
  16. god that IS bad! I don't think it's going anywhere in the green room though to be fair.........otherwise it would have been up to a thousand pages by now!
  17. I quite like the OFF switch on the last picture.......
  18. Very stressed with work but otherwise ok thanks Hugh.
  19. I'm looking at giving mine away for the transfer fee as I recently got a new one but don't want to just let DVLA have the old one back to make money on it again!
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