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Everything posted by nixy

  1. nixy

    WANTED - 350z

    Same here Stew! You really shouldn't compromise in the current market.
  2. Saw the pic of the carbon cover and thought - mm would look miles better with the plenum polished - scrolled down and hey presto! Nice job Vix!
  3. nixy

    WANTED - 350z

    Nice to see someone with a ginger top of their hit list! No offence to anyone but when you get down the bottom end of the price bracket they do seem to be mainly silver and GM for some strange reason.......
  4. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    And interestingly enough today..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14833532
  5. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    Indeed! I was a big Golf GTI fan and have had two - still love them but can't help feeling they're a bit of a 'school run' car now........
  6. nixy

    New Jag!

    Cue Chesterfield.........
  7. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    They maybe think you're too old to drive anywhere in it now! (Renault 5 Turbo! That's a blast from the past! You either had one of those, a 205 GTI or a Golf GTI in those days!)
  8. You lot have bloody jinxed me! My washers have stopped working now! Will need to have a look at them when i'm back from my hols.
  9. I am familiar with the ipad as my sister has one - or should i say her 4 and 10 year old fight over it to watch youtube and cover it in finger marks...... got to say I wasn't that impressed with it and would just stick to the lap top personally. I got the kindle for reading not internet and it's so light and easy to hold especially if you read while laying in bed! Might give 'the last best day' a read as long as it costs less than 50p!!
  10. Yes, i had a look at the internet on it last night, like you say it's basic but very useable especially with wifi! I did put a load of books off a disc on there but whilst I can see them on 'F' drive on my lap top when I plug the Kindle in I can't actually see them on the Kindle itself. Am I correct in thinking I need to download Calibre and do something on my laptop with them first? Obviously the ones i've got off Amazon are showing fine........
  11. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    Guess that is what an actuary is for - what an interesting job that must be!
  12. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    Not to mention all the people with £4k worth of imaginary whiplash!
  13. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    Sounds to me as if they said 'have you had any accidents in the last * years whether at fault or not' and the answer was yes - hence the hike. Maybe the answer should have been no! But if the other person claimed on THEIR insurance the details are probably all on a nice little database somewhere...........
  14. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    I tried Admiral multicar when i got a second car but it was no better for me.
  15. That's one way of putting it.........
  16. Very funny! Actually i've read most of his...........
  17. Just bought a Kindle yesterday to take on hol with me as I do tonnes of reading - anyone got any tips or handy hints?
  18. Glad you had better weather than when I was there, pics look lovely!
  19. nixy

    Insurance Rant

    Stinks doesn't it - they screw you whatever you do! We actually pay insurance so that costs are covered if we have an accident but then we do all we can to avoid making a claim and taking the money we are owed in case our premium takes a massive hike. Then like you, even when someone else is at fault and pays out YOUR premium goes up anyway! Might as well just claim for everything!
  20. yes I had one of those at my last house and it was pretty poor quality but also I would need to stand it somewhere near the TV which isn't an option as it literally just hangs on the wall like a picture frame. Seems doing it 'properly' is my best bet!
  21. I don't mind running up and downstairs to change channels - could do with the exercise! Thanks for the info, i'll look into it and see if I can find a reputable non rip off merchant to come and have a look at it.
  22. I don't have sky it's a freeview plus box - is it the same principle? Keeping it neat and no wires showing as it is now may mean running it into the loft and back down behind the wall to the TV.........
  23. That's what i thought...........wonder how tricky and expensive it will be, might not be too bad as my bedroom is directly above the living room.
  24. What Marzman and the others have said is spot on. Unless it's actually going to save you some decent money or you live somewhere you won't get the car out of in winter then I wouldn't bother. 12 miles to work is not really that far. I have a 60 mile round trip every day to work which I do now 99% of the time in an old diesel clio because it costs about a third of what it does in the zed. I don't get about in the zed much on weekends or in fact hardly ever nowadays which is just making me feel like selling it! If money was no object I would just drive it every day, that's what it's there for and as said earlier - it's not a supercar it's a nissan. I would do your sums carefully before you decide.
  25. .......you know who you are..... I have an LCD tv on my bedroom wall which has been installed so there are no wires showing etc. they are all runing behind the wall and up to a socket near the ceiling. As such I can't connect anything else to the tv as A. it would look crap and B. there's nowhere to put anything. I know there's equipment available to transmit a signal from the downstairs TV to the upstairs one so that I can watch recordings i've made on the downstairs TV and DVD's but is it going to be complicated and expensive or will it require wiring?
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