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Everything posted by nixy

  1. Mark - go and lie down..........
  2. Seems someone had done it already - obviously someone who found it as funny as me!
  3. Really not aimed at you but made me laugh so much.........
  4. Been to this last two years running and felt like I couldn't be bothered again this year. The Classic show was really good when I went and it's not actually as old and boring as it sounds. I was a bit disappointed with it last year after thinking it was so good the year before. I think if you hadn't been before you would probably really enjoy it.
  5. Cheers guys, will try this later. I just saw something that was really funny and wanted to keep that little section of it. Will let you know if it works. On another note.......I could maybe send it to Jay and get him to do it for me........why have a dog and bark yourself eh?
  6. You know me Dave i'm lazy........was hoping someone would say 'just press this button'
  7. There's a video on youtube that I just want to clip a small section from. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
  8. Didn't wave as I was on foot with my friend and her dog! Kuro from the barracks in Fulford with a soldier driving.
  9. nixy

    my zed

    Got to say I agree. The car is not my cup of tea but each to their own. It's certainly not a good way to welcome a new member. Yes the OP put it out there for opinions but I still think if you don't like it there are ways of saying so without being so offensive.
  10. bring back Da Whip - all is forgiven...........
  11. If any of you actually had flu you wouldn't be able to move let alone write your own obituary....... get your Ugg boots on and go get some fresh air you soft southern sissy!
  12. Sent shivers down my spine. I wouldn't advise anyone to watch the clip of it unless they want to spend the next few weeks trying to erase it from their mind..... He was only 24 and one of the up and coming big talents in the sport. I realise these guys know what they are signing up for but I don't think any of them really ever believe they will get killed. My heart goes out to his family. It's a big reminder yet again so soon after the Dan Wheldon accident of just how dangerous any motorsport is. R.I.P Marco.
  13. Any use? viewtopic.php?f=27&t=8452&hilit=cubby&start=30 viewtopic.php?f=27&t=8629&hilit=cigarette
  14. Tim (lomoto) had this in his cubby and I'm sure he posted some instructions.............
  15. I've seen that car at zedfest last year..............
  16. Yes you're right - problem with tyres on early models, mine suffered with this. Once I'd had it 8 point laser aligned and new tyres it was fine and has been since. http://www.nissantireproblems.com/ Just google 350z tire feathering and you will see tonnes on it!
  17. I made a right balls up. Got some pills for the cats today that cost a tenner. They go berserk for tinned tuna so I crushed them and put them in that. Normally 3 massive gulps and it would be gone. Er no - looked at it, looked at me as if to say 'yeah right' and then went out the cat flap! £10 down the drain - knew I should have bulldog clipped the little buggers!
  18. Yeah you can use your lap timer on a track but you won't know what the actual time is!
  19. Me too - i can't stand the position of the actual speedo.
  20. This drives me mad - there's no clock on the gauges if you have an import like me The clock was on the original head unit which I replaced with one that doesn't have a clock - I have to rely on my watch which is not much good in the dark!
  21. So - tried this last night again with a better bulldog clip. Didn't have much time as was late back from the theatre. However.....i tried it on the bonkers cat and was sure she would flip out. She didn't mind it at all once it was on and just stood there quietly. When i let go of her she still just stood there! When I took it off she didn't run off, she was absolutely fine and not at all cross with me. I'm going to use that method in future when I want to give them wormers etc.
  22. I'll report back! And Immy - no ta!
  23. Well i tried but the clip was a bit too small - she did purr throughout! Didn't try it on the psycho cat but will bring a bigger clip home tomorrow...............
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