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Everything posted by nixy

  1. just out of interest what is the first sign of a clutch on its way out? My car has just done about 60k and has started to get a slight judder under foot when setting off in first unless I hit the gas a bit more firmly. Is that the clutch?
  2. I was heading anti-clockwise towards the A64 Leeds Junction and he was heading into York just after 5pm ish last night. Got a wave which is always good.
  3. and take that bloody awful clown with you PLEASE
  4. can someone make this a sticky? It's the guide Pimm sent me originally but I've had at least half a dozen requests for it. Ta You want the front wheels turning full lock to the right. Then you need to undo the two 10mm or 12mm bolts underneath the undertray/corner part, you do not need a jack. M Then get a short dumpy phillips screw driver under the one screw that keeps the wheel arch liner on, the lower one of the two. Then push the arch liner bit back behind your turned front wheel in turn this will allow you to access the pumps. Each pump/pipe will be labled front and rear from memory. Disconnect the wire conector(you need a small screwdriver to push the connector and pull the plug at the same time) then just pull the pump away from the water bottle, you will lose all your fluid. Then do the reverse with the new pump.
  5. are you sure it's condensation? I thought I had that in mine and it turned out to be on the outside and came off when I put abrasive metal polish on it after a tip off on here!
  6. thanks everyone - i feel really chuffed that I 'won' the competition. Very nervous about the job itself though as I have to live up to my interviews! I'd rather not say exactly where Hugh - you never know what weirdo's are lurking on the internet........but suffice to say you're not far wrong location wise and the job itself is assistant to the CEO of a multi-million pound organisation. The only down part of it is the fact that I've lost out on a voluntary redundancy payment after 11 years! I am between two windows of VR opportunity which is a total bummer but the new salary will cover that in a year so I have to go for it.
  7. Cheers guys. It's a good bit of news for me right now. Who knows, I might be able to afford a 370z soon with the amount of fuel I will save and a payrise!
  8. .......I didn't really win the apprentice but that's how it feels! I applied for a job at the start of March along with over 100 others and after starting off sat around a board room table with the selected competition, four interviews and lots of tests later I have been selected for the job! It's a fantastic pay rise and located not far from home. It means I can now keep the zed which I was on the verge of selling due to my current 60 mile round trip commute. Nervous about it but chuffed!
  9. I changed the name of my last house when I bought it - purely because it had a horrible name! None of the houses in my village had numbers. It was really straight forward and was done by contacting the council. The only problems i had were initially whenever someone asked for my address they couldn't find it on their computer (in a shop for instance) but that was updated very quickly.
  10. Judging by the response to this Dave.viewtopic.php?f=57&t=60606&start=0&hilit=wales I'll probably not contact him. But if you do come to Wales Nixy, you can swop it with my old one. It's just stuck in the outbuilding. I'm sure a couple of the boys will do it for you and then buy you a G&T for you letting them. Just seen this - amazingly kind of you and the reason this forum is such a great community. Unfortunately though I won't be attending Wales this year but thanks again for the kind offer.
  11. Some of you have seen this already via other means - Friday 13th got me, or rather something flying off a lorry on the other side of the road. Whacked my bonnet then hit the windscreen which was only slightly chipped. Scared me to death it was such a loud bang. It's worse than the photo shows really. Nice big dent too. Lee reckons probably a bolt.
  12. I like things neat and tidy in my house. Lid and seat up just looks........well a bit scuzzy! Each to their own though! http://bkcreative.hubpages.com/hub/The- ... -Heres-Why
  13. Neil - firstly, a day would not be long enough to find a man who could fulfil wish number 2 Dan - I recommend therapy......... Now all of you go off and do something useful and manly and put the loo seat down while you're at it!
  14. MOST zedders wave purely cos you don't see that many I guess.
  15. Its not you who waved near Beverley yesterday afternoon is it? That was a nismo GM.
  16. Excellent I need some bits and bobs!
  17. East yorks is my neck of the woods. Whereabouts are you?
  18. nixy

    Birthday email

    Detailing world got my happy birthday in first can you change the settings please? H
  19. nixy

    who's who

    Jeez guys don't bloody dredge things up i said five years ago it could be cringe worthy!
  20. I can imagine Trust me Colin you can't!
  21. Thanks guys. Had an eventful day. 21 again!
  22. I love a glass of champagne - I had the misfortune to have a glass of cristal forced upon me by an out to impress prat on xmas eve. His advice was if a man asks if he can buy you a glass of champagne you should say Louis Roederer Cristal please and if he says no tell him to F*ck off! I was impressed........not. Most men of that calibre haven't heard of anything other than Moet! The champagne didn't taste any nicer than many of the £30 bottles I've had. I quite like Lanson which is quite inexpensive.
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