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Posts posted by nixy

  1. The weekend arrived. Stunning weather and a 200 mile trip from East Yorks to London. Went like clockwork. Other half is now in love!


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    Back in the garage after a 400 mile round trip




    Out for pics next day then back in the garage until spring apparently!




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  2. I agree with two bears! And let's not forget that a difference in income does not necessarily mean a difference in the amount of work put in. Me and my ex both worked full time and I earned less but I also did all of the housework and gardening because he was a lazy sod. He seemed to think he was the provider because he earned more but I worked more! It's an interesting debate which is more to do with relationships than money. I now earn more than my current boyfriend but he would give me his last penny if I needed it and that's what counts to me!

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  3. When I was married we had two joint bank accounts. One got both our salaries paid in ( we worked equal hours at equally stressful jobs but he earned more). The bills were all paid from that account and what was left over from our joint money went into another account we called "the spending account". It worked ok but it meant neither of us had money that was just our own. This meant I couldn't save for anything like new wheels! Since divorcing I value my independence so much more and earn a lot more! I wouldn't want a joint account anymore but would pay for bills etc in a fair way based on what each person earned. I don't live with my boyfriend we both have our own houses and bills at the moment but when we go out he pays slightly more often than I do and usually drives but we mostly eat at my house and I love cooking and buy all the food whereas at his it's spaghetti hoops on toast!

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  4. Haha. Not bad with nearly nothing in three years! I have to say though (as I have before) I still adore my car after seven and a half years. Longer than I've ever adored a bloke for!!!! Haha

  5. Really appreciate the advice guys. Made me feel loads better that nobody has said oh my god are you mad going out for the first time ever on a sports bike! The pillion position on a GXSR looks a bit high and small but my other half is 6ft 4 and I'm 5ft 6 so he should shield me a bit! I trust him 100% and I can't say that about anyone else. He will be careful when I'm with him and would never show off. He said sit like a sack of spuds and just go with it! I think for me the fact I like speed makes it worse because that's with ME driving! Being a passenger when you like that kind of thing is harder! I've also found the choice in female specific leathers etc quite limited but going to motorcycle live in November at nec so will try some gear on there maybe. I'm quite excited about it! Will post some pics when we've picked it up! Knowing him it will be changed quite a bit by spring!

  6. God,are you lot still here? Haven't we banned clowns yet! Last couple of years I've had a different job. Really full on, long hours and quite stressful. No downtime at all in the working day for forum surfing! I did it loads in my last job and my office wall was covered in zed pictures! Not anymore.......

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  7. I have never ever been on a bike despite loving them and watching racing. My other half is a bike nut and has ridden since age 11 and done a lot of building and showing. His last was a supercharged R1..... He has been out of bikes and into cars for a couple of years but couldn't stay away long! So..... Picking up a GSXR at the weekend which won't be coming out until spring. The general idea is for me to be pillion. I know it's a bit hardcore for a first timer even a petrol head like me. Am I mad???? Will I hate it????

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  8. It says they got 32 months each. You have to practically murder someone to get sent down for that long these days so they obviously have plenty of previous. I'd chop a finger off every time they got caught and don't even get me started on my ideas for prison reform but for starters it would involve long days digging holes and filling them back in......

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  9. I need to find the time! I tend to stick more to face ache and the forum group on there as it's just more instant although you can't beat the advice and genuine friendships I have from here! My other half (a fellow zed owner by pure coincidence) sold his zed tonight and I gave the new owner a card. He had already joined! Hasn't posted yet so hope you're gentle with him!

  10. Just popped in for a nosey. Realised I've been a member over 8 years! Do I get a long service medal or has Sarnie got that? Although I do still have a zed and he hasn't.....


    Have I missed anything interesting? I might do a search on 'da whip' to remind myself of the good old days! :-)

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  11. Need a clutch and flywheel to put on a zed that's being sold (not mine, the other half's) so don't need anything special just the most cost effective. Any recommendations and what sort of price are we looking at?

    Thanks guys and girls.

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