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Everything posted by live2themaxuk

  1. live2themaxuk

    de cat

    De-cats are basically a pipe to replace the cats, this removes the restrictive flow in the exhaust, some cars benefit from this and some don't. It does sometimes have a trade off in that it can reduce torque at the lower end. Pardon me for being ignorant or pedantic, but does removing the cats and replacing them with straight pipes not mean that the car is spewing out untreated gases into the atmosphere? If so, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Also, is it not illegal? Would the car fail the MOT?
  2. Umm wel it defo sounds and feels 'misfirey'. I can accelerate and drive just shakes more and sounds like a boxer engine for about 10-15 seconds, but it has ONLY happened like you mentioned after coming to a stop usually after a spirited drive. So it the symptoms fir that description i guess ill take that. Saying that though, if i had a faulty coil pack that can be intermittant also. My mates R34 (corrected) GTT had one and one minute it was fine, the next, not so fine. Until mine starts happening more frequently, if i does, it would be hard to diagnose. May still change the spark plugs though. J
  3. Whether is was due to them being bad or whether the markup is more on other brands i doubt they will ever tell you. . . Jamie
  4. but, i have no enigne light, i have had one before so i knwo what it looks like, but it wasnt due to a misfire misfire happens but i dont get no m0f0 light. Dont want to take it to the stealers and there be no code to read . . . appreciate the help so far Jamie
  5. consider changing your post subject title to get a better reply as its a little misleading as to what you wonna know. . unfortunelty i can t help you myself either, AFAIK everyone who has tried has had an 03/04, just be condincidence rather than a reason Jamie
  6. Hi guys thanks for the reply. So i will get a code , but not nessacarily an engine check light? Jamie
  7. Hey all car has been great so far since Jan, but within the space of a month i have had this occur twice. I have been driving resonably sportingly, nothing heavy footed, then i may come to a stop and the car will be misfiring. I will feel it and my car will sound like a Subaru , lol. I will drive off like this and after about 10-15 secs it will clear itself and be fine again. . . . ummm Its odd, i didnt seem to exprience this problem when i was in the UK, probably just co-incidence but the fuel in Guernsey isnt quite the same as in the UK. AFAIK we only have 97ron max, if that could make a diff. Oddly there is NO ENGINE CHECK LIGHT either, would there be a fault code log if it though? Any ideas? Jamie
  8. He says and i quote 'Circa £20k spent modifying the car' second hand UK GT £19k ish + £20k = how much boys and girls? £55k apparently Zedrush was the smart one. . . . . . this guy . . .? ummm J
  9. so pi**ed im gonna miss this one! have a great time guys Some one post me some shredded chilli beef? Jamie
  10. nice warm flat surface for the niehgbours cat too . . . meow that would make a great picture. .
  11. PAC-OEM converts the kenwoods signals into a signal the standard BOSE amp in the boot can use.
  12. that bonnets growing on me . . . . . J
  13. National Zed week?! Sounds like fun . . dont forget pics!! also, what IS ASW'ing? s114 says it loads but i never know . . . Jamie
  14. with 285, you will rub on the rear depending on the tyre. Ul have to either roll your fenders or get them trimmed. . . Jamie
  15. sorry guys have to miss this one, im on the rock (guernsey) Jami
  16. Thanks prescience and Sinbad Its weird i kinda figured that in a way as the eagerness i got from it and the induction sound was not unlike the effect i had when i put and induction kit on a previous car, though, the effect didnt go away as such. Froma technical perspective what actually makes the induction noise more just after startup as that is evident there is no doubt. . . .? Just the increased air flow? Now. . . what can i do to keep it . .? Chip? Uni, F-con, UTEC etc? i guess Jamie
  17. Hey all if my car has been sat over night, or maybe couple of hours after going to the gym, for the first 3-4 minutes, it seems to accelerate harder and im SURE im not imagining it. When i accelerate say it second, there seems to be ALOT more induction'y v-tecy sound to it,, the whole acceleration noise is alot more inductiony compared to when its warmed up and alot more raspy and roary from the exhaust. Obviously if its got 'cold' then the ECU is gonna be implementing some choke or some different map to help the car warm up and get up to operating temperature, but i dont understand why it seems more torquey especially after the magic 3k rpm mark. There no way its do to with the airfilter sucking in 'hot' air, as it only seems faster for the first 3-4 minutes until its warmed up, then the inductiony raw dies off. does anyone else notice this? JWT pop charger Fujitsubo cat back decat pipes Jamie
  18. Thanks guys, the photochop looks great, nice and 'moody', loving your work, can i ask what you did? I have Photoshop 7, was it some filter or something? The install was done by me, done quite a few in my time, 3 of my own and a few friends. They can eb abit of a headache, but, the Z was good fun. The sub box at the back i actually bought from the States for about £120 , and also the door pods for the fronts for about £170, this made the install easier as in the past ive build the boxes, but the finish was so good and the price so good it really wasnt worth the effort. Really happy with the results, lots of Dynamat in the boot there, probably has made a differrence, but until i change the RE40 bridgestones, i doubt im gonna notice much difference in road noise. No spaces at the back, only mods im aware of are Fujitsubo Legalis- R, Decat pipes, and JWT Pop Charger. Have a set of SF Challenges to put on, just saving up for tyres. . . . fronts are slowly getting balder. . . Jamie
  19. Hey dude!! yeah too long. Pretty good mate. Contracting in IT at the moment over here, slowly getting bank balance back up to a respectable number after the horrific London rent. Might give it another shot in the future now i know what to expect with the job market over there et all. If you ever have a weekend free, you and your missus are more than welcome to pop over. Jamie
  20. Yes sir-ey! we're all numbers over here. . . thanks for the props Jamie
  21. Hey all, been on here a while and even gone to the odd meet etc when i could but havn't ever posted any pics of the wagon. Well it was a nice day today and she was freshly cleaned, so thought id take of opportunity to take some pics next to a coupel of Guernsey land marks, namely the 'Cup and Saucer' and a German Martello Tower at Pleimont. Hope you likey Jamie
  22. Good clean safe fun . . . . glad u enjoyed so what did ya top it out at then . . . . .
  23. Hehe yep good old Guernsey. .. . theres another of us on here somewhere. Only about 4-5 Zs over here. The other black one is on here now and again. I spend quite a few months last year in London and around with the Z and it has to be said that over all, i prefer driving over here despite the *cough* speed limit. . . I know there are other great places in the UK to use the Z to its full potential but London and the outskirts is definelty NOT one of them, than and not really feeling great about leaving it on the street. Guernsey, although small and speed limit, you can still have great fun in a sports car or on a bike. Theres some nice stretches where you can give it some beans and lots of nice twistys and technical bits. .. .. just gotta watch out for cows/farmers etc . . . Yes Val De Terres can be great fun. . . they hold the hill climb event up there about 5 times a year, and its tempting to not make it your own hill climb when you going home from work . . . . theres probabaly a standing record amongst the sports car population . . J
  24. Im delimited, but im in no position to try and find out. . .the island i live on has a speed limit of 35mph. . .
  25. Mathys, whats the highest speed you have seen indicated on your Z? J
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