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Everything posted by live2themaxuk

  1. OK, OK, i might be the only one here, but this really , really gets my goat. . . . . . Its sure interesting seeing what stuff is for sale for 350z's on ebay, but doesnt it defy the magic of finding things by yourself and getting a good deal. If i use my effort to hunt down a good deal, or a good part on ebay, i feel really chuffed about that, and obviously im keen to bag a good deal, and the less people who bid against me , the better chance i have 1) Of getting it for a good price and 2) even getting it in the first place. Its REALLY irritating to see the bargain you have spotted on here, in the PRIME place people are going to want something similar too It is the definition of 'Raining on Your Parade'. . . . I can see why this room exists, and its insteresting to see whats up, but as soon as i wanna actually BUY something off ebay rather , its BLOODY annoying!! anyone else feel my pain? Jamie
  2. U can get a UK DVD nav drive, plug it in and it will work. BT isnt working at present but ppl are looking into it. Look in the JDM forum m8
  3. nothing a thicker headgasket couldnt fix. . . . J:D
  4. lots of users on my350z.com. helps mid range torque. is noticable apparently too
  5. The enigne in the 07 is supposed to have beefier conrods though . . . . . . and, i believe they are using this engine in the new twin turbo skyline too. . . . . shame the engine doesnt fit properly under the current bonnet. (nasty bulg) . . .
  6. wow, interesting. . . . .. i wonder who it could be. . .. .. whos the company in the UK that did the GT supercharged 350z? J
  7. 1+ The removed the VAT for me too (after abit of confusion), so if anyone from abroad, or in Ireland etc want a set, rest assured VAT will be removed kudos for thier persistance and helping me out J
  8. ebay seriously need to do something about this. No one should be able to put up an item for sale that much with ZERO feedback, its rediculous! J
  9. anyone who buys something from someone with ZERO feedback is asking for trouble. . . . . .sure theyd learn there lesson though. . . . schoolboy ebay error Jamie
  10. DING DING DING!!!!!! ALARM BELLS!!!! hasnt even got any feedback. . . .its the new thing ppl do. register about a month before, let 30 days pass then RIP PEOPLE OFF. . . . . Jamie
  11. Its gonna be pretty easy to do yourself. + Ive just order this one. . . .includes speedo convertion too. . .. http://www.ncs-systems.com/prod/1457 Jamie
  12. You can buy already built/machined bottom ends from the States. Surely that is the best option. Then its just a case of unplugging the old short blovk and plugging in the new one primativly speaking J
  13. I cannot believe a rebuilt is 10K!! What planet at these rebuilders on , 10k!!! The parts arnt THAT expensive, are they? And the labour? How many hours would it take to uprate some conrods etc! Geez louise I wonna go this route eventually, but for 10k + the Turbo kit! Hell no, not worth it IMO Jamie
  14. MARCH , I thought you would have got one by now kin hell, hes worse than me. Mines bit here till Dec . . .
  15. theres alot of call centres in india
  16. 1)We dont fall for 'fads', and reject ever being thought of as a sheep, and following the crowd . (Teh alternatives are all cliches, TT, M3 etc etc) 2)We choose things based on the facts, rather than what we are told about something (linked to above) 3)We have originality (Nissan as a brand doesnt speak the same sports car volume a say Porsche, but in its own right, the 350z is a great sports car) 4)We want the cool stuff, but draw a line between sanity and vanity. (Nissan 350 looks a million bucks, but its pretty reasonable) ne one agree Jamie
  17. Is it just my paranoia or are you ignoring me?? Jamie
  18. What about VAT? im in the channel islands. i wonna order but i shouldnt have to pay vat. cheers Jamie
  19. Think i might have a pair too. If so, any idea if you can take the VAT off, im in Guernsey. . . . cheers Jamie
  20. Yes, isnt she a cutey! Illpost some pics when i get home, but im in the UK at the moment. not your girlfriend is she? And yeah, had a few drinks. . . .why? J
  21. Just got back. Filmn was ace. Saw loads of stars ont he red carpet. Paris Hilton Elton John and his boyfriend Sharon Osborne Mohammand Al Fahad Sugarbabes(blonde one is HOT)!!! Sarah Harding Sting and. . . . . .the Queen! And, met and shook Richard Bansons hand after the show!!! and DAMN his daughter is find. ONly shook his hand, wanted a chat but on he went. Didnt even had an enturage, just walked down the street with is family, press in his tail. . .amazing!! see this film night night Jamie
  22. Just phoned up and booked. Via the odeon leicester square phone number. Wont be in with the stars, but its the first showing after the stars go in might even be some tickets left but i doubt it J
  23. Yo Managed to get some tickets to the Premiere tomorrow. Watching first showing at 11:30pm at the odeon in leicester square. Cant f'kin wait!! Should be able to see Mr bond and other celebes on the red carpet. WIll be great. Recommend anyone to go, its always fun at premieres, especially this one. anyone else going? Jamie
  24. OMG ! They actually make these things!!! http://www.dump-valves.co.uk/ seriously, how sad who someone have to be to buy this!! I though it had to be a joke, but no, the Max Power car scene never ceases to amaze It evern has a video of it, love the way hi puts his foot down and its still hissing J
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