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Everything posted by live2themaxuk

  1. Hey all ok , few teething problems going throughthe motions of sorting them. Betweek 2000-2500rpm, especially as i blip and let off the accelerator as the revs come down, i hear a metalically butterfly noise from under the car, ( I THINK? ) i assume the exhaust. Almost sounds like a card in a bicyle wheel, but very mettllic-y. Not really a rattle more a fluttering . . . . . . You can hear it clearly when the car is coasting at 2000-2500rpm but nearer 2500rpm. Clutch doesnt have to be in or anything, its purely rev dependant. Its an 03 with 20,000kms and a Fujitsubo exhaust. Cat. . . .? Meow!!! any ideas Jamie
  2. Hello all Ill post a nice big 'ive got my car' when ive taken some pics, but, as of now, i have my new car. . . . loving it now, about to fit a speedo conversion kit thing i got and it runs from a delimiter box ive got, there is a pulsed signal for speedo mph OUT which runs to the back of the speedo. Now, i doubt if anyone has got and is using a Speedm8 delimiter and convertor BUT, on YOUR JDM wih the speedo conversion, can you answer me some questions. . . . The PODS on the dash have lots of KM/H info, are these ALL made into MPH? 1) The digital read-out on the dash has a km/h, is this now showing a figure tallyign with the speedo? 2) The ecomomy figures. . . . km/l, surel;y these will be ALL wrong based on the assumption below digital pulse say is 'fast' and says= 50kph to get an mph reading they SLOW the signal down so it gets to 50km/h slower and at an equivelant rotational speed equating to 50mph. surely the ecomoy figure works on pulse speed also and it would make it think its more economical than it is. . . .travelling further (on tarmac) but being lied to by the pulse signal as thats its only means of tellign how 'far' you are travelling also. . . . .? 3) also, i bought a fascia to put in the japan import to convert the readout to a nice KM and mph like the UK 350z, i didnt wonna have to put a black sticker over the 'k' on the clock, but only to find out that the 160mph marker on the UK 'lockwood dial speedo face' ive got is in the different position to the 160km/h of my JDM. . . . so, wont be usint that then . . . oh well, at least my speedo goes up to 180mph!!! and yes, i am calling the guy who makes them, but hes not in today. . . Jamie
  3. Its a shame , as i was stuck at the tyre place yesterday with a blowout, and the boat back to guernsey. 1 hours left to work with in the UK before they shut, and the possiblity , the high possiblity of the stealers/tyre places not having ANY instock of the right size, let alone a set of Falkens etc. Is there ANYTHING i can do to lower the noise, like maybe get the recall done on the toe. Will that help at all? Jamie
  4. yes, its called flashing tape. Aquaseal to be exact from B+Q. Pretty good stuff. 2 layers works a treat. Good for big areas like boot. Its cheap. Better to use dunamat for more intracate areas though Jamie
  5. They are all good. Never used second skin but dynamat is the original and is easy to apply, ive used brown bread, but i feel dynamat is abit easier to roll in. The silver coating on the brown bread can be a little tricky. Sharp too! Jamie
  6. Bringing this one back from the dead guys as i need some help Just got my Jap import ST!! Loving it sounds great with the Fujitsubo, but, what isnt sounding so great is the low speed grumblings. YES its on Potenzas, and ive actually just had to have 2 new rear tires as i got a blow out, YES, a blow out, between southampton and portsmouth. Id had the car 20 mins . The noise is Wooaaww-Woooaaww-Woaaaww noise, especially audiable at just below 30 km/h, and becomes 'too quick' to be audilable, above id say 50km/h. WHat is it guys? Wheel bearings or get my toe in adjusted? Love a quick response as i could get it done this weekend cheers Jamie
  7. have a look on www.my350z.com the forumt there has got this covered
  8. M8, i understand your predicament. If you want to be legal and get anywhere, ask to talk to the underwriters of the insurance, btu in a nice way. That way, you can feel you ahev done all you can be be legal. Its not directly your fault if they havent got the systems in place to realistically reflect the modification. . . . . I had to do the same with bell.co.uk as they dont realistically as yet reflect teh penalties you egt in Guernsey for speeding. Deafult penalty is £80 and 1month off the roads for speeding . (over 35mph in a 25mph or 50mph in a 35mph). The lowest conviction in the UK is 3 points, but you have to be doing something lary to get a ban. If i say ive got a ban the premium goes up £600!!!! I expressed my concernt to the sales women, nicely, and she game my name to the underwriter , who , phoned me and we had a discussion. Hes now lookign into the situation and to make it fairer. Try it mate. Your concern isnt miss placed> You could be the person who makes the difference. So long as you sell your concerns to them and dont come across as pushy, just trying to keep legal, then im sure you'll get somewhere, just be geniune and dont take the person on the end of the phone as the person at fault, there only a salesman. . . .obviously helps if you get them on a good day. . . . Its a shame is world doesnt work on intentions, as yours is obvioulsy good. . . . Jamie
  9. funny @*!#. bit random, damn shes hot though Jamie
  10. Had the exactly same thing in my Polo GTI. Infact i still do. . . . im trying to sell it. . In fact, mines slighty better intergrated than that. . . . Jamie
  11. wonder if they'll find traces of polonium 210 in him, they seem to be finding it everywhere else. . . . . . . . J
  12. In that case, i know where id put my money. The price WRC Developments are doing there APS Single turbo kit for , fited, would surely be a better bet in that case. . . . . anyway, enough highjacking. . . . cheers Bap Jamie
  13. and Bap, In comparison to your current setup. . . . how does it rate? On a completely different level? How does the power come in? Drivability? Jamie
  14. Why cant people just install this kit themselves if the stock vortech map is so good? I know someone on here is waiting for abbey motorsport to do theirs but, if its all plug and go with no REAL need for dyno tuning, its by far the best plug and play forced induction kit around. The turbonetics kit is supposed to be bolt on, but there ecu re-flash hasnt been , shall we say, too reliable. . . . (but damn i love thier kit) Jamie
  15. SPeedm8 Delimiter and Speedo convertor and some LED rear tail lights. . . . . for my car that isnt even here yet . . . . damn you xmas holidays and customs Jamie
  16. Thats a good price you got but as we all know, that RRP for that DVD nav system was ridiculous to start with anyway, but as we all know, motor manufacturers make most of their money on replacement parts / repairs anyway Jamie
  17. Thanks Holdcroft. Dear oh dear, that doesnt make any sense at all, silly Nissan. . . . . . . Jamie
  18. Fantastic, Im looking for one from breakers, as are alot of other people. Theres LOADS of JDM imports with the BOSE and Jap Nav, all being ripped out because it doesnt work. If you could strike up a deal with Nissan, sure it would benefit you guys just as much as all us JDM'ers Trouble is, treading carefully so as to not get them all tetchy about making JDMs more attractive. Of course it woulnt harm UK 350z sales as most people import them thinking they will work in the first place, but im sure it could be mis-construed Jamie
  19. Is there ANY way, you could purchase JUST the DVD drive system of the Navigation unit, as it has come to be that JDM cars with Japanese Sat nav will work in the UK if the DVD drive part of the system is replaced. Theres a serious market for this if you could wing it. . . . . . It must be possible, surely these drives must fail from time to time and you can get them individually . . . . Jamie
  20. Difference is, if people want to buy a car, they look in the 'For Sale' sections, thats what its there for, you cannot stop the 'Seller' advertising it where he wants too, neither an ebay seller posting HIS listing in this 'Spotted on Ebay' forum, hes trying to get as many sales as he can, it encourages interest. Encouraging interest is COUNTER-productive to the individual consumer, when they have only got ONE of the item to sell, it just rockets the price up. Anyone, if you found something on ebay that you wanted, would you tell other people on here about it so they could have a chance to buy it as well? Surely that would be the most counter productive thing i could think of, if you want to purchase the product:headhurt: think about it. . . . It works both ways in this situation, depending on whos shoes your in. oooooOOO so contraversial. . . . . Jamie
  21. Who wants a standard car anyway. . . . . . .not meeeeeee For most people, cars are just appliances . . . .thats the long and short of it Jamie
  22. fingers crossed for you. I feel your pain, im trying to sell my Polo GTI on piston heads at the moment. Its a bloody nightmare. Modded car (however tastefully) + British Winters = LOW PRICES Jamie
  23. Cheers Mike, Thanks dude, i know you were only trying to help, its just contraversial, we all have our own methods of bidding for things. Showing interest early in an item, makes for a fight far too early. Its best to avoid a fight for an item if you can avoid it. . . . Jamie
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