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Everything posted by live2themaxuk

  1. LOL ricky aint recieved it just yet. Ordered it from IRS couple of weeks ago. Ill let you know how i get on Jamie Blemin eck mate, is there anything you dont do yourself!!! ps hows the spare key comming along?
  2. the beep is 'in the gauges', it is well annoying and sounds like some tacky chinese alarm clock. If you take tha gauages apart you can unsolder it. . . . . i saw it when i was converting my speedo to mph, but i left it. Jamie
  3. TDI overrated. . . . . . . . If you get it built, you shouldnt have any problems. WRC-T are offering a warrenty with there APS turbokits both single and twin if there is catasrophic engine failure what do you mean by shortlist mate, Im not use to these urban slangwords you youngster are into nowadays Well am either getting a 350z. Not getting turbo charge now as TDI in thurrock are saying that they are having nothing but problems with supercharged and turbo 350z, so aint gonna bother... or an old style Mustang not new shape but old old classic for 12k as seen one. If I get a non 350z will i still be allowed on here?
  4. Still umming and arrrring about you next horse and cart? Im sure oce you have the money in the bank ull be laughing whats the shortlist? J
  5. That was quality but, whiole we're on the subject of cats. . . . . this one is awesome. . . . . goes abit 'funny' while having his back rubbed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a60akJOg ... ed&search=
  6. Cat no likey camera. . . . . .
  7. Cheers Lois. Top Man!! Yeah that flash brings back bad memories. . . .im hoping im safe . . . . . Kept thinging my mobile was going off at 2:21 baa bah daaa baa bah daa baa bah daa !!!! Its pretty tame really, we really should have done some flybys, burnouts, speedcamera vandalism etc . . . . . u know the fun stuff. . . . . hehe Jamie
  8. Always wondered about these wideband A/F gauges. Alot of turbo guys on the my350z wite seem to have them, but surely once the car is setup and tuned with a UTEC or what not, its 'set and forget' isnt it? Boost i can understand, to help identify spiking etc, but even that isnt 'nessacary' i wouldnt think. Why am i wrong? Jamie
  9. Its a BIOS feature, it means you have to turn it on OUTSIDE of windows. When you start the PC up it will say 'Press ??? to enter setup'. ??? is usually DEL, F1, F11, and sometimes esc. try DEL first. Turn on PC, and press and hold one of those keys BEFORE the system beep. Should enter 'setup'. Look for Power settings, ACPI settings or somthing along those lines. You should find an option in there you can turn on. Then choose 'Exit Saving changed' Never done it myself, but, thats how its done. The turn on though , i am sure, only works when coming back from a standby state, not a start from completely off. Have to use a power button for that. . . i may be wrong though J
  10. Breaker bastards want £56 for a door handle !!!!! and £43 for the switch plate!!! what planet do they live on?
  11. Zedrush,what about a 4 seater 350z? and just as tunable as the 350z, same engine http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b315/ ... 0_1234.flv The G35 or skyline 350GT as there call in japland. Ive warmed to them lately
  12. watch it you guys . . . . like you said. . .im quite the hacker. . .
  13. If you want to find out what passwords are, that are ****'ed (star'ed) out then use a program called 'SnadBoy's Revelation' jamie
  14. minel First i would check with your IT bots @ your work and check its OK for you to do this as being an IT nerd before, you could get stated if you accidentally brought a virus in from being on a non-company network, and some worms are self-probergating so you may not even realise it. Laptops are a notorious problem for companies and network security, but they may have a policy in place allowing you to do this with it workign safely within thier infrastructure. Alot of companies allow there users to connect to these HotSpots and use something called a 'VPN' into thier company anyway. If you dont care though, try and be as safe as you can. Install a software firewall, like Blackice, or smoothwall. Make sure ure antivirus is nice and up to date, and also that you have ALL the latest microsoft patches downloaded and installed through 'microsoft update'. Buy a Proxim Gold A/B/G card from a guy called 'data-alliance' on Ebay. Run for about £30 and have an antenna also. If you ever want to do wardriving , they are the best. . . .
  15. yeah nice to meet you lot too. Ive got some pics also , will see how they came out. Chinese was awesome as well:) Jamie
  16. i dont think your wrong at all. . . . . as far as i know. . .thats why Baptist is selling his built engine. .
  17. congratulations mate! No probs. . . .ill eat your chinese for you shall I?
  18. well ive just given mine a quicky with some zip wax. rain will chamois it for me
  19. still surprises me how well these vortechs hold out on our cars though (stock block). aint heard of ONE going bad . . . . . turbos are another story.. .
  20. but one cant be chubby to own an exige.. .
  21. lol i thought that too, but reach the needle in a haystack thing pretty quickly. Would be rather random
  22. its always best to post piccies matey, makes a difference
  23. any ideas what the weather is gonna be like tomorrow night? Jamie
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