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Everything posted by live2themaxuk

  1. will do m8. Try and get i some by the weekend. B- busy ATM. PM me ya email addy have a look @ http://www.prestige-audio.co.uk/auto/ni ... 3-137.html I reckon, if you 'provided ' them with the door pods and the sub enclosure etc, you could give alot of labour, as thees buys built the pods and box for that build.. . . . Jamie
  2. Hey Zedrush I have Focal Polyglass 165 V2 components up front in some door pods made by a user on my350z.com called WickedCAS In the rear i have Focal Access 165CA's I have a JL audio 10w6v2 in the back in an 'understrut' box again bought from the US by another guy. All powered by 2 Rockford Fosgate amps. The speakers are getting about 80wrms each and the sub 630wrms +A Load of dynamat Now ive got it all setup, and it sounds great. Perfect balance and amazing quality. Took fair bit of work. Amps are where the stock BOSE is, and i had to run a new speaker wire through the door loom for the front door speakers. Depends how handy you are with electronics, but maybe its worth getting someone to do it for you ? I dont know, dont ask me though . . . . this is my fifth install now . . . . probably my last. . .until i get another car Though it was relatively easy, to disassemble everything Prestige car audio did someones 350z install here. Jamie
  3. my350z.com should help
  4. yay, welcome to the sf- challenge club.
  5. Good, dont want Zs getting too common now do we. They are our little secret
  6. gold is nice dude, but, IMO 20" is 1 inch too big. so you got another Z then? thought u were getting S2k? J
  7. Hi everyone Im going to buy some second hand Volks, but 2 have minor curbage on the polished lip. Can anyone recommend someone who will refurb polished/clear laquered curb rims at a first rate finish and price. Either mobile or a shop. cheers Jamie
  8. why do you thin kthat is then? when do you think there will eb more available? Jamie
  9. Is it Yellow. . . . . . . . . . . or, is it http://www.s2000-4u.co.uk/vehicle-detai ... &popup=yes and before you ask, yes , i am bored and yes, this is fun. . . . . . Jamie
  10. nope, whole cars been sold now for £35k, i read it on the 'other' 350z forum, probably why you didnt know. . . Jamie
  11. Baptists TT 500bhp 350z monster?
  12. looks like a 350z to me, no different in any respext really. Probably just a tester. . .
  13. Gallardos are lovely pieces of kit,no doubt. Though im a sucker for a Murcielago . Anyreason why ure not in love with them too? theres an 02 on PH for like 89k so not outside your price range. . or are they abit 'toooo' posy for ya? J
  14. OK, well, basically. Im not sure when im gonna get mine now. I WAS up for doing it when i first posted, but due to lack of interest, the window of oppurtunity for me past. I still want one, but im still jobless at present. fingers crossed, waiting on second interview 2moz. Anyway. Contact a guy on my350z.com called Gruppe-S he'll sort you out Jamie
  15. not half bad, when i first read it i though it was gonna be some leather-smelling vinyl, ripspeed branded covers. . .
  16. i used them. Basically a good company. Legit. . . .
  17. thats good then was tempted to get a turbonetics kit and run a utec with the base map they have on the turbonetic website. . . .but. . . . thats only a thought. . . . . engine will probably go boom boom. . . . .
  18. thats interestin that. . . . . so what, 93 octane isnt UK 93 octance and vice versa? is there like a straigh conversion formula? Also, what would happen if you ran a map optimised for say 95 ron on 100 ron? would it cause anything negative to happen? Jamie
  19. Indeed, its not a racist comment its fact.. Fact is, if people from a certain ethnic background, find themselves is a desperate financial situations, or indeed life circumstances, they are boud to do more and more desperate things, it just so happenes that immigrants are these people. . . . . . Ebay needs to do something about these scams, theres a pretty common trend with them, must be code that could spot it. . . . Jamie
  20. doesnt the difference in octane levels make that map redundant? they only have 93 octante in the US over here its like 95+ (100 if your a good boy). what effect positive or negative intereaction woudl that have with the 93 octane map?
  21. Zed m8, TTs are on the way out. . .as in. . . . old hat. . . . . a Z is cool NOW, but a TTs had its day. IMO. . .keep looking ul find something uber cool sooner or later
  22. My friend has a 2006 Black Exige S (supercharged), around 10000 miles, touring pack, factory option sports exhaust, black lotus wheels. hes looking for around 28k here in gsy. PM if your m8s interested Jamie
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