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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. A nice car indicates to them that someone is doing well for themselves and reminds them of how pitiful, disastrous and pointless their sorry excuse for a life is. This inevitably makes them angry and unfortunately the outcome is sometimes the vandalism of the object that symbolises something they could never ever have. Dr Monkfish (Psychiatrist)
  2. About 25 years Damn, gonna have to buy a Cherry! or a Bluebird or the DADDY of them all..........
  3. ....or pushed it in and out on trolley jacks.
  4. NIXY!! My advice would be buy one ASAP. I've had mine for 2 weeks now and I'm still at the stage where I spring out of bed in the morning for the drive to work, then sprint out of the office at night like a madman for the drive home!!
  5. They're pretty sweet Jeez that's lotta rubber!!
  6. FAIRLADY!! Pics? (of the car that is)
  7. $88 for 2 badges !!!!!!! ................ *soils underpants*
  8. Unlike you and ming my motto is If you can't see it, don't bother cleaning it! Couldn't agree more!! Car's looking great by the way...........for a yellow 'un!!
  9. I went out for a while and when I came back it was gone. Not a single mark on mine. Unbelievable. I've still no idea how it got into that space.
  10. My car. Don't fancy coming home and finding my bird powdercoated and sprayed purple like something from Goldfinger!!
  11. Actually, had a similar problem with my previous car too (Audi S3) Turns out it was the air mass meter. Yet again it was an intermittent fault that happened under load. Don't know much about the zed's engine yet. Would a faulty air mass meter (if it even has one) cause these symptoms in the zed? By the way, the air mass meter was one of the only components that didn't show up on the diagnostics.
  12. I had a similar problem many moons ago with an Astra GTE. It was water ingress in the ECU. Some resistors and capacitors had corroded. It was a bugger because it was such an intermittent fault. It only occurred when the engine was under load, like hard acceleration or overtaking. I dare say that if this was the case with the 350Z it would be exposed with modern diagnostics.
  13. Oh, and don't get caught doing 90mph in a 50mph zone in South Carolina. The State Trooper was absolutely raging with me and had his hand on his gun when he was shouting at me through the drivers window!! I was shitting myself. But that completely changed when he heard my accent and saw my European driving licence. I could honestly see his mind working.... (Oh God this is gonna be some amount of paperwork, I don't need this) He then said to me that he understood how the confusion could occur because we use Kilometres per hour in Europe!! I was like "Yes, that's absolutely correct officer!" If he'd bothered to work it out, he'd have realised that I'd have been going slower if I was working in kph. Anyway, he obviously couldn't wait to get rid of me and the mountain of paperwork I represented, so I lit up the rear tyres on the Mustang as I pulled away!!
  14. Liam - Cool the jets mate. I have to say again that it wasn't a Nissan dealeship, so the docking station might have been a bit alien to them. And, phone cradle confusion aside, it was by far the best car buying customer service I've had. You guys have set me straight on the details of the unit too, so it's all good in the hood.
  15. Parking damage is the least of your worries in the States. Last year in Texas I picked up a hire car and was warned by the Hertz Rental guy not to be aggressive or get involved in road rage, because 80 percent of Texans carry a hand gun in their glove compartment!!
  16. Ha ha! lol. No, it's ok. I gave it a good inspection earlier. God knows how there isn't any marks but it appears to be mark free. It's just how it is, a lot of people don't give a @*!# about their cars. That's too true about Spain and France. Also Italy, I've got friends in Milan and it's common courtesy there to leave your hand brake off when you park in the street, so that when someone comes to park they can bump your car along the row and get in!!! No joke!!
  17. If any of you have or have ever had an apartment in a city, you'll understand that parking spaces are like hen's teeth. Especially when it's 100year-old apartments that haven't got the luxury of underground parking or even a resident's car park. People are very resourceful and park everywhere and anywhere. Cars are squeezed into spaces that defy belief. Which brings me to the point of this post. LOOK AT WHAT I WOKE UP TO THIS MORNING WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW!!! What you can't see from the photo is the 2thou gap between the cars (I measured it with a feeler gauge) I'm currently sitting by my window with a sniper rifle trained on that f**king little red Polo, waiting for it's clown of an owner to come out!!
  18. I saw that too John. Ridiculous!! They were cleaning the chrome bumpers on some beat-up Chevvy pick-up though. Did you see the one where they left 2 pigs to decompose in a Corvette for 6 months then tried to clean the car? It was disgusting. Even Ming wouldn't have attempted that one!!
  19. Mark - It wasn't a Nissan dealership, it was a Bentley dealership I bought it from. But I agree, they should do their homework.
  20. Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Just one (maybe stupid) question? How did these old Nokia phones connect to that cradle? As I can't see any method of connection (from phone to cradle). Was it GPRS or BT?
  21. Guys, My zed came with a phone cradle fitted in the centre console box. (see attached pics) I haven't a clue what it is or what phone it's for. The dealer didn't know what it was for either and seemed to think it was for a Motorola V3 Razr. The thing is, it doesn't seem to have any electrical connections that the phone would plug into, but it's obviously wired to the car as you can see from the wiring loom that comes through the hole in the console box to the device. Do any of you know what this is??
  22. Pretty unconventional, but we could give you photos of us in kilts and our tops off if you want, Liam?
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