Oh, and don't get caught doing 90mph in a 50mph zone in South Carolina. The State Trooper was absolutely raging with me and had his hand on his gun when he was shouting at me through the drivers window!! I was shitting myself. But that completely changed when he heard my accent and saw my European driving licence. I could honestly see his mind working.... (Oh God this is gonna be some amount of paperwork, I don't need this) He then said to me that he understood how the confusion could occur because we use Kilometres per hour in Europe!! I was like "Yes, that's absolutely correct officer!" If he'd bothered to work it out, he'd have realised that I'd have been going slower if I was working in kph. Anyway, he obviously couldn't wait to get rid of me and the mountain of paperwork I represented, so I lit up the rear tyres on the Mustang as I pulled away!!