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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. I wouldn't bother with the lottos mate. Looks like you've used your luck up this week!! I'm glad for you though, that would have been a bummer if something had happened and you found out it was your own fault!
  2. That's carnage mate!! Must've been some impact. Good advert for the strength of those cars though.
  3. Stew - I'd love to be a fly on the wall at one of your meetings with your dealer!! I've no idea how abrasive/awkward you'd have to be for a dealer to say he doesn't want you as a customer anymore! Sterling effort though mate!
  4. Never heard of "Audiopilot" either. Must investigate later......
  5. Great story mate. You must have been sad to see it go. My car is identical to yours and is also a 2004 GT, therefore this evening I shall christen my zed Zippy in honour of your trusty steed, so that it's name can live on....
  6. Did anyone notice the small dent in the bumper in this last photo??? Gives a whole new meaning to "Nissan Burger"
  7. If it came with a bonnet ornament like that....... YES
  8. I think they look fantastic Tim! Looking forward to seeing them fitted tomorrow.
  9. When I was 18 I paid £1500 a year, third party ONLY for an Astra GTE!! That wasn't even fire and theft. I used to take the engine apart every night in case it got nicked. With regards to Bell, I used them for years until I got some speeding points and then they gave me a right royal shafting. (was £500 and went up to a grand with 6 points). Barstewards. That was with 11 years NCB too. Bell are good unless you have points. Best quote I got for the zed was with First Alternative. £680 for 30yo 9points kept on the street in a Glasgow postcode. Thought that was really good considering the car and my dubious speeding record.
  10. Technically speaking, i think he can, the only problem is you have to wait at least 18 years and 9 months before you can judge whether it worked out as supposed to be or not She'd look good with a cargo net over her.
  11. Here's the guide for resetting it: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3279
  12. Ye goin' aw Edinburgh on us noo like, ya bufty?
  13. Ha ha!! What a ****! Yeah, those pictures were really offensive!
  14. Captint: Can you make me a Tonneau cover like that????
  15. monkfish


    Sorry to hear about that mate. Unfortunately there's an abundance of idiots out there.
  16. That's a bit harsh mate!! There must be a lot of cars you'd be embarrassed about driving before the MK2 TT. I think the MK2 TT looks loads better than the MK1, although I agree the zed pisses over them both in the aesthetics dept. I had a brand new BMW 320 last week when my zed was in getting a new key programmed and I was mortified driving about in it. Amazing what the zed does to you. Never thought I'd see the day I was ashamed of driving around in a black 320 with 300miles on the clock! However, I did thrash the tits off it!!
  17. He was born in Glasgow, but spent his childhood in Montreal before coming back to Glasgow University to study then stay for good. He has got a slight Canadian twang though when you hear him interviewed.
  18. Ahh, Chewin' the Fat. The woman in the ice-cream van. Love it!
  19. Before the female members of the forum attack me, this is purely about MY missus and not women in general.... I've told her that I will NEVER insure her for the zed. She has her car which is a 2004 VW Golf, but it hasn't got a single panel on it that is not scratched, dented or in some way buggered. She's even managed to scratch the roof for god sake! I have never in my life seen anyone treat cars the way she does. It's absolutely horrifying. She is my motoring Nemesis.
  20. Yeah, I've got that. In mine it's the wee triangular panel to the right of the speedo cluster with the air vent on it. I usually give it a push and it stops.......... well, for a few seconds then starts rattling again. Annoying, but not the end of the world. Anyone got a fix for it? (without putting it in to the stealer, cos they'll just take it apart, reassemble it then something else will rattle).
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