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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. ....like the amount of fumbling that went on at Twickenham on Saturday... was wondering how long before someone bit gnash....gnash.....
  2. Nice one Sarnie! Enjoy yourself. Write us a match report as soon as you can after the big day!! PS... If you pussy-out on the follow-through, we'll disown you!! PPS.. If you "follow-through" on the follow-through we'll also disown you!!
  3. ....like the amount of fumbling that went on at Twickenham on Saturday...
  4. ....in your new positions lads!!
  5. There you go Andrew...... Ask an honest question and get a thread full of drivel. That's why I like it here
  6. Couldn't agree more, Bap, you goat-fondling sausage-jockey
  7. Where's the pics with them fitted, Tim????
  8. Nice one Few guys in my office are mad for it, so we've been on the phone to the guy at Dunsfold. Next day he's got free is 20th November. We'd probably be looking at an early spring jaunt down saaaarf. The guy says that he prefers short notice booking, cos Top Gear have priority of the track/airfield, so they can come along at any time and demand the track for the day, which means the person with the booking on that day gets bumped. My birthday is the 21st so heres hoping Get it booked mate!!! And here's hoping Clarkson doesn't have the new Koenigseggggggggggggggggg to thrash on the 20th!!
  9. Nice one Few guys in my office are mad for it, so we've been on the phone to the guy at Dunsfold. Next day he's got free is 20th November. We'd probably be looking at an early spring jaunt down saaaarf. The guy says that he prefers short notice booking, cos Top Gear have priority of the track/airfield, so they can come along at any time and demand the track for the day, which means the person with the booking on that day gets bumped.
  10. Checked out the Audiopilot function last night. Verdict - Pish
  11. A mate of mine was with Elephant and the hassle he had cancelling his insurance with them was unbelievable!!
  12. Sausage perhaps ? I was thinking meat and two veg too petite a frame for the veg Objection your honour!! All she needs is a good portion of prime Scotch beef.
  13. I sometimes do the same coming out of lit multi-storey car parks!!
  14. I'd love to do that track day! Purely to thrash it around the Top Gear track. Just a shame it's so bloomin far away for me!!
  15. Seems like an idea. Good gain for little dough. Superchips quoted me £500 to take my S3 to 265bhp (from 225). Just never got round to doing it.
  16. Good morning and welcome, Rob We demand pictures of your vehicles
  17. The deed is done (see sig) The Zippy is dead...........Long Live the Zippy!!
  18. Ahhhaaa! Yeah, it looks like a very low roof in there. Great pics though. The one that's dead-side-on looks like a pic from the 350Z sales brochure that I've got.
  19. How did you get the shots from above and at roof level? Did you take a set of stepladders with you, or were you hanging from the ceiling, parkour styleee?
  20. Very nice mate. Looking good! The pics are very......."arty".
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