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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Used to do exactly the same mate, but on civilian aircraft. Now a freelance designer in the same industry. I'd be on the tools again in a second if they'd pay me the same as I'm getting now.
  2. pretty sure i know who your on about, i tried a few times a while back , but he just stop communicating Thank god for that then as i have sent the money so should be getting them in about 9 days Damn paypal echeck things!!!! Sarnie - Nismo wheels are coming next year when i can afford them, along with the kit Get them NOW!!! Stop it!!!! I am so tempted to get them now, but i cant afford it with me just buying the car 0% for 9 months Leave him alone, you bad man!
  3. No chance. Your averaging 8.5 posts per day to my 15 You would need to triple your output to get anywhere near and even then it would take months Brilliant!! We're getting statistics now. It's like a Yank sports channel. "Rookie Sl114's post/spam average is trailing wayyyyy behind All-time Post Whore Champion Sarnie's blistering tally of 4000 posts!"
  4. Top whoring mate!!! :kicking :kicking
  5. Are you trying to add a scottish twang to your posts didna really notice i'll try nae to use too often Pardon? Don't you mean "You wot?"
  6. yeah i know mate, i think he thought he was in casino royal with that mondeo! She will be all better soon though Good man!!
  7. Just seen the pic of your wheel mate. Shitty luck.
  8. Reminds me of the joke about people in Yorkshire taking ecstacy by placing the tablet up between their lips and teeth and keeping it there so the ecstacy enters the bloodstream quicker. Apparently the method is called "Eee by gum."
  9. ......even though he's a mod.
  10. Good afternoon and Oggy. Yeah, get some pics up, it sounds like a beast!!
  11. Hoax. http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/carjack.asp
  12. My moustachioed Mexican friend who's running for President.
  13. As Neo said...... here you go Tim. http://www.amazon.co.uk/LVW-1105HC-Mult ... lectronics
  14. Well, there's a bloke on here selling p***s enlargement patches!! Fill yer boots!! no its ok, they never work anyway
  15. Well, there's a bloke on here selling p***s enlargement patches!! Fill yer boots!!
  16. Couldn't have been that hard! I've been away for a fortnight, and just before I left, you had only just passed 350 posts. You're nearly on 800 now!! Top post whoring though mate. I'm proud o' ya!!
  17. .........and by the way!!
  18. Awesome! Dreadful sleeves on the R34 driver though.
  19. Yeah, BP Ultimate is shite. I caned it up from Manchester airport to Glasgow on Tuesday morning at 4am in 2.5 hours. Used more than 3/4 of a tank of Ultimate which I filled up with at the BP garage in Manchester airport cos I was on vapour. I've no idea what that mpg equates to but who cares it was a brilliant blast up the empty M6/M74. No danger of falling asleep after a 9hour long haul flight with 2 cans of Red Bull and a Nissan 350Z. Only pant-soiler was an articulated lorry swerving across all the lanes of the M6 near Lancaster and nearly wiping me out. (driver must have fallen asleep for a bit)
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