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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Doesn't Damon Hill run one of these clubs too?
  2. monkfish

    Winter Cars!

    What? Have you tucked the zed away for the winter??
  3. So wrong...........but so funny!! However, I'm disturbed by the American crowd shouting "midget fight" like a bunch of neanderthal school children. Do you have to take an IQ test and score under 5 before they let you sit in the Jerry Springer audience?
  4. I've looked at that before Stew. It's based in Livingston isn't it? They've got a Koenigsegg. Awesome!!
  5. monkfish

    Pimp my Ka

    Hilarious. There really are some clueless people out there. My favourite bit of pimping is the bits of cork on the steering wheel???
  6. I haven't got a puncture but we were having a discussion in the office earlier about our cars and how the TT hasn't got spare wheel (not even a space saver) just a air compressor. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you lot have had a puncture and if so, did the punctured wheel fit in the car after fitting the space saver? It must be tight fit (if possible at all) to get one of those wheels into the boot of the zed!! Even in my old S3 I had to fold the back seats down to get one of the wheels in the back.
  7. no horrible stubby on mine a long one is always best Ohhhhhhh, matron...........
  8. Wash your mouth out, you cheeky f*cker!!
  9. Very underrated. Top film! I know Tarantino didn't write it but it's a brilliantly directed film. Top sound track too.... well if you like 70s lovey dovey tunes..... Well, he did write it......kind of. He wrote the screenplay by adapting it from a novel called Rum Punch or something. I love how much of psycho De Niro is in it!!
  10. Truly a nightmare mate! The same happened to my S3 a couple of years ago. Some guy attempted to park in a space outside my place and made a complete ARSE of it and caved in my offside wing. He then sped off without leaving anything. I never saw it happening, but the guy who lives in the apartment above me seen it all and gave me the make, colour and registration number of the car. It was a burgundy E-Class Mercedes with a private reg. I called the Police and they came round and I basically gave them them this guy on a plate. There's all the info, go and book him. And the outcome?? Absolutely nothing. After about 100 phone calls to the Police they finally admitted that they couldn't find the guy. I'm sorry, but if I give them the make, colour and reg of a car, you'd expect some results!! I ended up paying for the new wing and spray myself. £600. At least you know where this muppet lives. You'd be as well going round and giving him a hiding to get some satisfaction, cos I'd be surprised if you got a result from the Police.
  11. ....and the bairn's called Chardonnay-Mercedes.
  12. Which time? Anyway, you obviously have or you wouldn't have asked that question! Thank you Clarence.....
  13. Aaaah, you big softy!!! C'mon!! It's 'kin class!!
  14. What, you gonna turn your car into a mobile brothel?
  15. Yes, it's a technique called "deceptive whoring". It's all mind games you know.
  16. You should only worry if you've got a stubby member.
  17. Aliens It's a Wonderful Life Once Upon a Time in America The Godfather Pt2 The Empire Strikes Back Raising Arizona The Fifth Element Platoon Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back So I Married an Axe Murderer
  18. Looks like he's taking the p1ss mate.
  19. Thanks for the tip Captain. You could use cruise control you know.
  20. Amen bro' !! I can't wait for the day I can say the same.
  21. monkfish

    couple of pics

    Nice photos Phil. The car looks fantastic.
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