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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Nah. Some snow on Thursday but that was about it. It is fookin' freezing today tho.
  2. Nope, but I can see a GM with a private plate sitting outside my office just now. DAMN, Zippy is looking good this evening!!
  3. Now that's some good news!!
  4. Yet more shitty luck!! Unlucky fella. Hope everything turns out ok and the damage isn't as bad as predicted. Don't we have any lucky members? Like lottery winners or the likes??
  5. monkfish

    Dragster Z

    I agree Mike. Drag racing is regularly on that new Five US channel now and I love it. The acceleration of the funny cars and top fuel cars is absolutely brutal. And I love that some of the top dragster racers are girls!! (cue the men in drag jokes) Personally, I'd rather watch drag racing than F1 any day. However, I also agree with the Monster Truck/WWF slur. Some of the rednecks in the drag racing crowd are rootin' tootin' hillbillies!!
  6. If I was a mouse, or some other small mammal, I'd definitely have one of those. Awesome. In your face Stuart Little!!
  7. mate! Choose Zed, the choice of champions. You know it makes sense!
  8. monkfish


    I'm 33................. Jesus!! I'm 33!...................never realised that before. My gf is 25 though, so she keeps me young.
  9. Unlucky mate! What a pisser.
  10. It's totally calm here at Prestwick Airport. Wee bit of snow this morning, but nothing to shout about. My girlfriend however is stuck in Schipol airport. She was supposed to be flying from Glasgow to Hamburg via Schipol today, but almost all flights out of Amsterdam are cancelled because of "hurricane force winds." Poor girl's terrified as she said the pilot had 3 aborted landings before finally getting the thing on the tarmac on his 4th attempt!!
  11. Yeah, I've got that EVO. Issue 097. The Zed was half a second quicker than the R32 round the lap.
  12. Drink-driving is different league though.
  13. You'll be fine mate. Honestly. If speeding convictions were relevant to US immigration, they'd have sent me to the electric chair by now.
  14. You'll probably get the nod for Celebrity BB6, Bap.
  15. Happy new year, folks!! just........starting .......to...........sober..............up..............
  16. The R32 is overpriced though Stew. Looked at one of those before I went for the zed. By the time you've specced it up you're looking at not a kick in the arse off 30 grand!!
  17. It's the attention to detail that I love about outfits like that. Muppets.
  18. Jesus H Christ, that's awesome.
  19. Very nice! (Don't tell Sarnie I said that )
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