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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Surely that's a misconception? Surely the fact that there's less of other colours shows that the 350Z buying public prefer silver, therefore come selling time, the silver zed will have you beating potential buyers off with the proverbial shitty stick?
  2. monkfish


    i read that, it was back before they started running out different models each year and the market started to saturate with imports and 2nd hand cars... best residuals bar none is my smart car! (Yes I erm kinda got one of them too) ..........
  3. Just read that whole thread. Pure comedy gold!! It defies belief though. That guy is a total waste of space. Deserves all he's gonna get.
  4. Morg! Great lookin car you've got there.
  5. I run my zed every day on a 70 mile round trip commute. Can't complain about the economics one little bit. No more expensive than my old Audi S3.
  6. Better than Who Flung Dung! .......or Sum Yung Guy
  7. I love that BarryBoys website. Wasn't that the site that featured the Ford Ka (Ghia) with the wood nailed up the sides?? In one of the forums, one guy had written: "Dogs are obviously FWD cos they always understeer going round corners on laminate floors." And a guy had replied: "To you the dog looks like it's out of control, but in his mind he's drifting." Absolute classic!!
  8. As cunning as a fox, who is professor of cunning at Cunning University.
  9. monkfish


    Totally agree. I think they look Mind you, the standard 18's are ......................
  10. That is a fookin' bargain!!
  11. around £1200 mark I think Cheers Tim. That's a BIG price difference Stew- Get yours fitted and give us a match report!
  12. For comparison, how much does a Nismo zorst cost?
  13. Didnae? Awfy? Stevie, admit it, you're not in California, you're in Ayrshire (the O.C. of Scotland) ....or maybe even the original California, just outside Falkirk.
  14. Heard on the radio this morning that the legit owners of the BMW bikes have reported them lost or stolen so that the "salvagers" are unable to register them with the DVLA or sell them on.
  15. !! There's a cracking picture on the BBC website of a pikey in a shell-suit walking along the beach with about 10 packs of nappies tied to a big stick!!
  16. I agree. Would have to check it out in the flesh.
  17. Me too. Realised I'd earned my PW stripes a wee while ago. Getting a GM interior sticker.
  18. I hope the new NSX really looks like that!!
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