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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. It's sunny here, but it's absolutely BALTIC!!! My temp indicator was showing -8 this morning on the way to work.
  2. Probably because the tramps have drunk it all. Hey! Don't knock it!!
  3. Very nice ................... ............but is that tiger skin I can see in the left of the 2nd picture?? Grrrrrrr!!
  4. All the best Beavis!! Don't you have to re-sit your test when you reach that age though??
  5. Beautiful wheels, Digsy! They look great on your zed!
  6. http://zhome.com/History/FairladyName.html I love the internet..... You can find anything!!
  7. Cheers Tim. Was wondering about the exhaust as weighing up whether to buy an aftermarket one.
  8. Couple of questions someone can hopefully answer for me....... 1) Is the stock exhaust stainless or high grade steel? i.e will you be looking at replacing it due to corrosion in the car's early life? 2) Does the zed have a timing belt that will need replacing after x-amount of miles? I seem to recall someone saying it didn't have a cam belt?... Cheers
  9. Sweet!! I'm gonna pimp-out an Urvan!!
  10. Audi are great at taking the p!ss with servicing costs. Once had my S3 in for a service and they phoned me up and "advised" me of other things that needed doing, coming to a grand total of £2100!! Once I'd wiped the vomit from my chin, I told them politely to f*ck off. My favourite was £600 for a new central warning display because one of the lines of LCD was out!! They also wanted to charge me something in the region of £70 for antifreeze!! I was like "are you using Grey Goose Vodka??" Just booked my zed in for a P1 service this morning btw. £160. Sold!! Oh the joys of owning a Datsun!!
  11. Total horror story Robert!! Hope no damage has been done. Love the guy insinuating that you did it yourself. What a cockmaster!
  12. Tricky!! Hope you find what you're looking for. Best just find a stock GT4 and fit the other bits yourself!!
  13. apart from you run like a girl ............. or a video clip!!
  14. ....and catching an accidental drift is even more "exciting", albeit does nothing for the condition of your underpants. First RWD car I've ever owned and I've never had so much fun. by the way Chief!! Buy one........do it.....do it.........DO IT !!
  15. From someone who's only been here since September, I found it very welcoming, good craic and everyone seems very willing to help out with information. Long may it last!!
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